01 January, 2019

The rebuilding!

The third rebuilding of the broken compound wall is nearing completion in our property. This saga of four months made us weary!

Now I feel that the third attempt might restore the wall!

I have struggled with this and is currently on leave to make sense of this experience. 

I would not have bothered about the compound wall but for the inconvenience it caused the road users!  

Now that it needed rebuilding three times, it tells me a lot about what happens to us when we have repeated encounters with disappointments. 

Our disappointments are our personal feelings to a situation that went contrary to our expectations or plans. In our finite view, things ought to go in one particular way. When it does not happen, we 'feel disappointed'!

There are many alternatives to our plans. Therefore if something else contrary to my expectations were to take place, it is a reminder to me of the other options rather get drowned in disappointments. 

Our disappointments can make us more open and liberal in thinking. There is always another way than what I might have considered even with reasonable lateral thinking. 

No matter what might be our experience with disappointments, it is important to believe that we have many more chances in life to 'rebuild' our personal lives! 

Every fall a child who is learning to walk encounters, gives inspiration to the child to get up and walk again.  

Let us move on in our being and doing! Let the disappointments make the way for another option to search for!

This frees us from making disappointments as the optic of our outlook, especially while relating to someone who might have been the reason for our disappointment. We live our lives resonating the nature of God, who is loving, forgiving and receiving.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 


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