04 January, 2019

A bouquet of roses for peace !

From what I find from the news, about 1200 people might be injured, 750 arrested, and one died during the violence associated with the 'hartal' yesterday in the state of Kerala. There is also huge loss of property that the shop owners suffered. The state suffered with buses burnt.

To all those in grief, pain, distress and alienation, let me send you this photo of flowers from our garden, to share in your sorrow and feel with you in your time of trial. 

Those who caused injury and those who suffered injury, both alike are humans, who are called to live as neighbours and companions in life! 

Le these flowers awaken in us a longing for peace and goodwill ! 

Oh, how much I wish to see 'peace makers' amidst us who would bring a new orientation in a surcharged atmosphere! Violence begets violence most of the times. 

Acts of kindness and peace process alone can counter this climate of hopelessness!

I wish we would witness new peace initiatives !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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