31 March, 2021

Leaves, Flowers and Fruits


I continue to be fascinated by the colours in our garden. They are from leaves, flowers and fruits. 

One of the parables mentioned in the Luke's Gospel, before the narration of the Last supper in 22nd chapter is about a fig tree and all the trees (Luke.21:29-33).

What Jesus said about trees was that 'as soon as they put forth leaves, you see it and know for yourselves that summer is now near'(v31).

Jesus spoke further about the coming of the Kingdom of  God at that time. 

To me, this brings a new dimension to the parable.  

The summer and the Kingdom of God. A summer is a dry period and is not a season to look forward to, as it is a hot and humid season at least in the tropics. So how can the summer and Kingdom can have a comparable reference. 

It is this which makes this parable worthy of attention. 

What followed leading to Gethsemane, Golgotha and the resurrection testify to the spectacular events even during a difficult season of summer. 

When I watched the plants with leaves and flowers in our garden, I realised that they flourish even in late spring and early Summer. The soil where they are rooted sustains them. 

This is worthy of attention. Summer brings incompatibility with normal life for plants. But the rootedness in the good soil grants trees and plants opportunity to live fully even in summer. 

The Holy Week is one season when we have an occasion to consider how rooted we are in God and godly ways for our lives!

The story of the Holy Week is full of details in the gospels about Jesus and His rhythm. One detail that I feel fascinated by, is what Luke described 'Now during the day Jesus was a teaching in the temple, but at evening He would go out and spend the night on the mount that was called rivet. And all the people would get up early in the morning to come to Him in the temple to listen top him'(v.37-38). 

Jesus was facing an emotional summer of difficult times in hIs life after his triumphant entry to the temple. 

Jesus faced the summer with a new design: ministering during the day in the temple and praying at night. 

The earnestness which which Jesus practiced this rhythm gives us an indication of the choice Jesus made at a difficult time. 

Jesus was present with people during the day and with God at night. Jesus served, preached and guided people from the strength He was given in prayer and during the waiting and discerning on such occasions. 

Prayer for Jesus on this occasion was for preparing Himself to 'lay down His life as a ransom for others'. He needed to move beyond the instinct to preserve Himself and take in God's mission for which He was sent. It was this mission that He fulfilled during the teachings He provided during the day in the temple. At night He received strength in prayer to live vicariously and prepare himself for Golgotha. 

This is what is most spectacular about the Holy Week. We remember how Jesus readied Himself to face the summer of suffering, looking unto God. Just as the tree was rooted in the soil and the leaves became a sign of life and living in the Holy Week. Jesus stayed rooted in God's mission through His time of prayer, which gave him strength to minister to people during the day. 

The season of summer has a significance beyond its usual meaning. Jesus warned: 'Be on guard that your hearts may not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and worries of life, and that day come on you suddenly like a trap, for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face all the earth'(v34-35).

Having been through a summer experience of humiliation, suspicion and even accusation at my work place, I realised how I felt heavy of heart and depleted of energy to face the events that came upon me like a tornado. Although it is not yet over and its consequences would bar me down for a while, what surprises me is the larger meaning of such deprivation one can find if one can be patient and steadfast. 

One has to steadfastly refuse to entertain a victim attitude, but regard the summer of suffering with a view on the promise of the kingdom of God which is to unfold through such experiences. 

It is not for glorifying suffering, but for accepting suffering to be formative and instructive in its role in one's life. Jesus of Nazareth, 'Although He was Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered' (Hebrews.5:8). 

That is why I felt moved to look beyond the leaves of a tree in the parable, but to see the  outcome of suffering in the flowers and fruits. Every experience of endurance shall bear flowers and fruits in one's life. A new life grows out the summer season of suffering, because we are called to abide in God in order that we may bear fruit (John15.5). In fact the verse following this suggests, 'If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you'(v7). That is how we can endure the summer of suffering.

The rhythm of 'prayer and work', aura et labora is the calling Jesus of Nazareth practiced even during a most difficult season in His life!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)



30 March, 2021

A tree full of fruits!

This Rose apple tree in our garden is like a Christmas tree decorated with fruits making it an adorable tree in our garden. It is bringing its fruits in abundance in its season. 

This is in contrast to a Fig tree that Jesus noticed after His triumphant entry into the temple at Jerusalem. The fig tree having had no fruit except leaves alone received disapproval from Jesus, leading to its withering instantly(Matthew.21:18-22). 

I have often wondered at this rather harsh treatment the tree received for its failure to bear fruit. It was lone fig tree on the road side (v19). Jesus was hungry. A tree is to give fruits to the hungry. The tree did not give what it was expected of it. 

This to me receives a new meaning, when we look at the teaching of Apostle Paul in I corinthians 4: 1-2, 'Let a man regard us in this manner as servants and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy'.

The fig tree could not be trusted. So it was removed from its role from being a tree. This tree might have provided shade for travellers or shelter for birds of the air. However they were incidental benefits to others for being a tree. The expectation from a tree is fruit bearing. 

Another event mentioned in the Gospels following the narration of the entry of Jesus to the temple, is what Jesus noticed about a widow. She put two copper coins as an offering in the temple. While all others 'put in out of their surplus, she out of her poverty put in all she owned and all she had to live on'(Mark; 41-44).

Let me try if I can find a bridge between the tree which withered for failing to bear fruit and this widow who gave all she had to live on!

The tree was due to bear fruit but it failed. The widow would have been legitimately justified had she kept the two coins to live on as she had that alone as her possession. She lived dispossessed as a widow. Therefore even more deserving to look after her own interest.

The tree possessed all its branches reaching out to the open sky receiving abundance of sun light and nutrition from the soil. Yet it preserved itself to be a tree but not fruit bearing for the benefits of others. 

The widow possessed very little but her attitude suggested an openness towards God, by giving  to make her provision a means for the advantage of others. The widow transcended beyond herself.  

This is the critical moment that we often come to in our lives. How much attention do we give to ourselves!  How much we offer our lives for others!

In the story of the widow, what Jesus noticed was her generosity, so much so Jesus suggested that 'she put in more than all the contributors to the treasury' (v43).

I have struggled a lot with this dimension of being a servant and steward in my work place in the recent months. I have a feeling that the work place became a place for preserving our comfort rather than keeping others in the focus. Every time a family was told to wait to get an appointment for consultation, it was an attempt for the professionals to stay comfortable and not to stretch ourselves to attend to the needs of others. I realised in a conversation with an administrator, that the work place became a comfortable place for us and an inhospitable place for those who were 'hungry needing food to sustain themselves'. Now that we woke up to realise that we failed to be mindful of others adequately, people waiting for consultations and other services have moved away from us to go to places from where they can find their support. It is an ugly example of how the professionals buried themselves in self interest and lost out to be considered credible and effective. 

As I think of this, I feel guilty and responsible. I could have taken note of this and corrected the slide earlier. I could have taken lead to welcome children without having to make them wait for appointments. I could have applied this approach to other professional as well. 

A servant is available to serve with his or her focus on others. A steward is one who honours the trust reposed on him or her with an outgoing interest to make the work place a place of welcome and hospitality for others. 

The good news of the Holy Week, is well enunciated in a parable of dinner Jesus spoke about how people in the 'highways and along the hedges' (Luke. 14: 16-24) were invited for a dinner as those who were formally invited refused turn up for the dinner. The message from the servant who was in charge of guests was that there was room for more at the dinner hall(v.22).

I gather this a s the good news of the Holy Week. All those who are heavy of heart too would find a place at the banquet. It was during the preparation for the Golgotha experience Jesus demonstrated to be even more all inclusive. 

The mission of those who are followers of Jesus of Nazareth is to go to the 'highways and edges' where people who are marginalised live struggling and often neglected and bereft!

That is why I carry hope in my soul for finding mercy with God, at a time when I feel low and drained!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

29 March, 2021

A journey starting with singing Hosanna !

I was engaged in watching these two Bulbuls, perched above a dry stem of a nutmeg tree in our garden, about 100 meters away, looking into two different directions, depicting two different body languages. 

While watching them to follow their movements, I heard the call from the church close by which broadcasted in the loud speakers Hosanna Chorus usually sung on the Palm Sunday. It sounded lime a call to worshippers reminding them of the Palm Sunday.

When this music was blaring, one of the bulbuls started singing. Although its bird song was drowned by the loud speakers, I watched through the camera lens its beaks engaged in bird  song.

My thoughts went back to the narration in the gospel of St Luke 19:28-44 where the phariseess  asked Jesus to 'rebuke His disciples' from singing Hosanna (v39).  Jesus replied, 'I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out'!

The song of Hosanna was a song of spontaneous welcome to Jesus while He was on His way to Jerusalem. That song reverberates in the air down through centuries since then. Even a bulbul rendered its song yesterday on this occasion. 

But just as it was then, it is today that some would like to force the song to die down. 

Jesus of Nazareth was riding on a colt of a donkey and not on a horse. His humble and servant spirit is what cannot be accepted by those who oppose Him. It is an affront to their self seeking aspirational kingly status. 

One touching scene in this procession was what Jesus felt while approached the Jerusalem city. Seeing the city 'He wept over it'(v.41). His agony was, 'If you have known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace. Now they have been hidden from your eyes.'(v42).

Many situations we are engaged in have these two possibilities-peace or conflict. 

'Blessed are those who are peacemakers'. This beatitude is at the heart of human relationships. In a recent conflict prone situation spread over several months, I found the chance of peace  dwindling with each week. Finally it collapsed. It was an intensely painful experience which I found hard to face. I feel the weight of this drawing me in to self doubt about the prospect of peace in difficult circumstances. 

The peace process stays hidden. 

It is a journey to discover the peace process in each situation. That is why I feel sorrowful for loosing the way to discover peace. 

The song of Hosanna was an announcement of peace. But what followed a few days later in the garden of Gethsemane was violence leading to the crucifixion of the one who came to bring peace. 

The Hosanna song can have its meaning only if it is associated with the song of resurrection.  

To feel dissipated from the mission of peace because of Golgotha is a conclusion because of short sight; if we let the message of resurrection were to prevail, no peace process will ever end in a contrary way. 

However, the peace process starts by cleansing. That was what happened at the Jerusalem temple, when Jesus had to restore the temple from being a place of merchandise to a house of prayer (Luke 19:46).

The inner cleansing is a personal exercise that is often too difficult to face and to go through  The house of prayer within my soul is occupied with thoughts of harm, disregard, suspicion or indifference. Its cleansing is the beginning of restoring my soul to be a house of prayer. 

It is when my interior ambience is prayerful, one shall find the consolation of peace.

We read in Luke 19:47, that Jesus 'was teaching daily in the temple; but the chief priests and the scribes and the leading men among the people were trying to destroy him'. 

Those who lead us can lead us astray as they live contradicting the voice and the message of the Lord they seem to represent. But, 'they could not find anything that they might do, for all the people were hanging upon His words'(v48).

We live when those who lead us have a contrary view of Jesus, but many in the rank and file are followers of His word and abide in them. 

This is the destiny of those who seek for the Christmas message of peace and goodwill among people. We would encounter resistance from those who are called to shepherd us, but there are many others who are seeking after Jesus. 

Hosanna and resurrection are intertwined. Both contribute to each other for us to live in hope. Those who sang hosanna turned to cry out a few days later, 'crucify Him'. But those who tarried at the tomb of Jesus witnessed the resurrection joy. 

The Hosanna experience can be followed by sorrowful events, but what shall follow would be resurrection experience. 

Hence live cleansing the interior of our lives, which is where peace shall dwell and the Prince of peace shall reign!

The human heart is God's abiding place!

M.C.Mathew(photo and text)



28 March, 2021

The outer and the Inner!

 The outer layers of this bud are impressive and captivating!

The inner layers of this rose bud are hidden as of now. When the rose flower is fully open the inner  also would be revealed. 

For humans, the outer- the conduct, character, temperament, achievements, status, life style, etc is known to others around them. 

However the inner self, which is the true self is perhaps less known. It is n the inside we actually liv with our thoughts, feelings, attitudes or values! It is the inner which makes us live the way we choose to live!

The mystery of the inner dimension can be known only when we remain open! 

To be open means that we let others enter into our inner world!

Jesus of Nazareth in response to and enquiry from Andrew about where aJesus lived, said, 'Come and see'! What an invitation and confession!

The Holy Week which starts today is an invitation to come to meet with Jesus in the interior of our lives!

I look forward to sharing some thoughts each day during this week, all being well,  on this journey inwards!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Young and Old!

Two rose flowers, one fresh and another showing signs of ageing! 

Both have dissimilar purposes, but complementary top each other. 

The new flower tells us about the life it carries with it for a while. The ageing flower reminds us of the life it lived sharing its fragrance. 

I wish the young and old would have regardful attitude towards each other. How important it is in families when three generations live together under one roof! I wonder whether it is now on a decline!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

Rose apple tree !

All the stages of rose apple fruits are now in plenty in the tree now! 

This sight reminded me of the different stages of human formation we discover in people in any assembly at work place, religious congregation, scientific field, political leadership, etc. 

This is a mosaic and therefore would need diverse approaches to get people to come together on a common platform for a common purpose!

Formation and upbuilding of people is therefore a major call and an opportunity!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Arriving and leaving together!

I watched this pair arrive on the coconut palm and before they settled there, one of them gave a short and hushed bird call and both flew away together beyond my sight!

Such bird calls are different from the usual bird calls. 

Another special way of communication between themselves!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Sunday Morning visitor!

I was looking forward to welcoming a King fisher  for a while in our garden. I was more than happy to see this King fisher perched at a tall tree about 150 meters away and making its bird calls loudly and intently!

Some birds disappear for a while and reappear in their regular sites after a while.  I have noticed this with Wood peckers, Kingfishers, Barbet, etc.  

The streams beside our property was dry for a while, but it is flowing now, since the recent rains and the water flowing into it from the irrigation canal, which was recently opened for irrigation purpose. 

The birds reside beside their sources of food and safety. 

Its bird song sounded resonant and restful!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


27 March, 2021

The Jasmine corner!

The jasmine corner in our garden is the one which spreads the fragrance in the garden! In the misty morning when it is still dark, the aroma fills the air even before the flowers can be fully visible! 

They are quietly present, but fragrant always! These flowers have a short life of a day or two. During that short life span, they live exuberantl sharing its scent with others freely and fully! 

Something to ponder upon!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Morning view!

Anna and I pant rose bushes in our garden in the name of people whom we want to remember!

This is one time when the plants bloom and flowers are brilliant, an appropriate tribute to people who touched our lives!

We can enrich our lives by recalling people and remembering them for what they have been to us!

A morning walk in the garden is a journey into the memory lane!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

At the end of a year!

Anna planted this Mulberry bush a year back and it gives us a dishful of fruits every ten days. 

Anna took care and saw the plant though the last summer. 

A lesson in tending plants! Attend to them and they would surprise you!

This happened during a season, when I felt depleted due to changes at my work place. 

Wait patiently, the fruits are about to appear! That is the consolation when one has to endure difficult times!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

24 March, 2021

Protected on arrival!

I was fascinated by the sight of the foliage around the flowers of this Cashew tree in our garden! 

I remembered stories of children who feel exposed and less protected by the adverse circumstances. 

Seeing a four months old child crying incessantly made me aware of the anxiety that the child is suffering from!

I was not sure if the parents were aware of the stress that is causing this anxiety state in that child. A child feel protected when all that we do is to care and affirm a child. When we live preoccupied with many concerns and demands, the child receives less than our full attention and presence. A mother told me that the child feels comforted when the grandmother carries the child!

I wish there is greater parenting education about the needs of an infant on arrival. The experiences of the first three months of a baby would influence the later behaviour of the baby during infancy!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Self-transcendent living!

The above two photos show how the sunlight falls on the three flowers partly obstructed by the thick foliage of tree above. The flowers receive the sunlight only partly and only part of the flowers are bright. The flowers remain partly hidden from the direct sunlight. The light is falling from behind.

The flower below does not receive the sunlight directly on its petals but uniformly receives the ambient light on its petals.

There are instances in life when we remain in a shadow oblivious of happenings around us, or enlightened partly or connected with realities around with awareness and alertness. 

The inner ambience of thoughts, impressions and perspectives decide the way we choose to live and relate. 

Our tendency is to live and work without a regular audit of facts and perceptions. That is what can land us in trouble at work place and at home. I landed in a serious difficulty on account of this recently.

I have returned to this photo of a Magpie Robin  a few times recently, because its body posture is one of waiting in stillness before its flight.

The inner silence is the way to receive the voice of reason and purpose, which when received would transcend our natural choice. It can surprise us as such an insight carried a path finding indications. 

To be able to live and work with awareness of truth and reason is indeed the way forward for all those who are self-transcendent in attitude and behaviour!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


23 March, 2021

Rose apple tree !

This tree of Rose Apple produces fruits at least twice in a year. It is fifty years old! I find seeing this tree full of fruits now. It yields its fruits in its time.

A father referring to his two year old child asked me yesterday, ' Will his convulsions stop and be like other children! Will he grow up and be like others!'. I was disturbed by that question as he has a lesional cause for his epilepsy.  

Of late, I have been made aware of the aspirations of parents and the disappointments with which they live once they know that their child has difficulties which cannot be fully overcome. 

A single mother and the grandmother who came with a child, had multiple congenital anomalies and needed four surgeries during the last three years. This four years old child has few developmental deficits, which can impair the developmental process. 

I found these women at a cross road financially, emotionally and resourcefully! They bore a pain that was heavy on them.

I remembered this rose apple tree following this consultation. It is a fruit giver.

I was overcome by this situation. When Anna and I set out in 1983 to be actively involved with children with special needs, we had no idea of what we would encounter. Now we are shocked and disturbed. Almost every situation has a complexity that is far too much for a family to face!

Amidst the turbulence that I went through at my work place recently, I felt exhausted as needs seemed to overwhelm us. 

But both families that I referred above, were genuine and yet least demanding. They were able to receive what was offered and went back wanting to stay in touch. 

Those who have multiple needs are more gracious and less demanding. That makes it easy for them and for us. 

A tree is a fruit giver! 

That is to be  our mission at work place!

A broken cup bears a pant! Broken people bar the burdens of others better!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

One bud and many leaves!


There is something different that strikes me every time when I walk in our garden. What surprised me yesterday was the single buds amidst many leaves in some rose bushes. 

Is one too little!

It is as if a plant gives out a branch to bear just one bud or a flower! 

Yesterday, one conversation that I was part of, recalled the many things that are to be done in order to move on and to use an opportunity to make an impact. 

I remembered then the conversation between Jesus of Nazareth and Mary, when Jesus visited the home of two sisters, Martha and Mary. When Martha complained about her sister who was not helping her enough to offer hospitality that she thought was appropriate, Jesus had this to say to Martha: ' Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things, but only a few things are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part which shall not be taken away form her' (Luke 10:41-42).

The emphasis on only one came home to me yesterday with further emphasis when I was driving back home. It began to rain while driving back. Many motor bikers stopped to put on their rain coats. A few did not bother and continued to ride on. Those who stopped to protect themselves from rain and those who did not bother about the rain carry different outlooks. Those who stopped to put on the rain coats seemed to be ready in anticipation of rain. The others seemed less prepared. 

The readiness and preparedness are two sides of the same coin. 

You are ready to face a situation because you have included in the plan, which makes you prepared for what was foreseen!

Only one thing is needed, be ready!

Mary was ready to sit with Jesus and listen to Him (Luke10:39) and Martha was preoccupied by her obligation of hospitality. It is one thing to be ready to listen and yet another thing to be carried away by wanting to do something more than what was required for that context. 

The many things that we engage under our compulsive habit of multi-tasking might not be needed at that time. Only one thing might be needed. It calls for discernment to choose the one

It is necessary to be ready for many things, but it is wise to choose just a few or only one to focus on, as that alone might open the door for all other things to come into being or fall in place. 

The rose bush gives a branch with many leaves to give one bud or flower. The plant is never complete with leaves alone. It is a flower that gives a plant its identity. The many activities are like the leaves; the bud or the flower is the significant purpose. 

Not the many thongs that we do are always the most needed activities, it might be just one or two, which would make a difference for ourselves and others. Many things can become stressors, while a few or one focus can be bring the experience of working leisurely and restfully.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)