22 March, 2021

Preference for height!

There are some regular positions that some birds choose in our garden. They happened to be the tallest trees mostly branches devoid of leaves!

Is it because of wanting to have an overview of the air space!

Whatever it might be, the birds choose vantage points for their advantage.

Any time they watch a c row approach them, they are swift to fly away.

The flight instinct is natural to the birds.

But if we as humans were to 'fly away' with every threat or perception of it, we would be probably grow up fear prone and instinctual. 

What gives us 'staying power'!

While watching fish in our Acquarium, I noticed some fish moving out of the vicinity of a fish who was chasing others. Theirs was a 'movement power'. They move and adjust in a confined space! 

In a work place, what would make it a good enough environment, is this adaptive style of moving in and out, depending on the situation. Every one needs space for presence, opinion and expression. Create it, but let the direction of the work place be taking care of the benefits of those for whom we exist. 

Keeping an overview of the work place is one way of helping the group to stay focussed and engaged in what matters! What is expected of one who leads, is affirming and consolidating the sense of direction.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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