30 September, 2018

Village life in transition!

This new catering service in the adjacent village, has come up recently as there are some who request for home delivery of food. The customers are senior citizens who are not well enough cook, working couples who come home late and do not have the energy to cook and partying people! 

Having seen several bill boards like this, I was curious to know about such a service! I met somebody  who used this service. He was fully satisfied with the quality of food, cost and service they offer. 

The 'Kudumbashree' is a voluntary organisation of women, in existence for about 25 years now, who have come forward with several initiatives to promote self employment. 

The logic behind such home delivery services of food in the evening is refreshing in innovation. The caller while ordering would be told the menu each evening of the week. A family who cooks for six members can easily and effortlessly cook for another six meals to give away. The income from this six meals sold, will cover the expense of all the12 meals cooked, which is a big saving for the family!

This form of enterprising initiatives are common in several domains. I heard about some families offering the use of their washing machine for their neighbours at a nominal cost. It is service as well as an additional income. I come across small bill boards outside some homes 'order your meal with us'! There are some who give their cars for the use of their trusted friends, which is another expression of social living! In fact one who uses the car of his neighbour told me that he contributes towards the annual payment of the insurance and regular upkeep expenses. What a noble example!

I am fascinated by this approach as this connects the community even more relationally and socially. 

While we get alienated from each other due to the hectic pace at which we live, there are healthy trends to reconnect and live with neighbourly consciousness. 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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