01 September, 2018

After the trimming!

The jackfruit tree which gave plenty of fruits and a home for birds and squirrels, located in the garden of the Early Learning Centre has dried up! It was trimmed six months ago as its branches were overhanging the electric supply wires. It sprouted well with new branches following this. But during the monsoon rain, it has suffered probably, with water seeping into the stem, through the exposed cut surface! 

What if we had cut the surface in a slanting way and covered the stem with a waterproof covering for a season till the new branches fully covered the cut surface! It was a question that I asked the wood cutters, but they dismissed my request!

This jack fruit tree has a history of thirty five years, planted by Dr Nambudiri, a Psychiatrist who loved trees and plants while he stayed in the cottage!

It gave it fruits plentifully in each season and it is now waiting to be be cut for the wood to be used for some furniture or making other household satiety items. 

Now its memory alone lasts! 

It is yet another lesson to me. How our carelessness and indifference to plants and trees bring a disaster !

A tree in our environment is our companion and provider!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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