10 September, 2018

Roots that stay!

It took a lot of efforts for the mason to remove the roots of two trees close to the wall that was rebuilt! The size of the root system surprised me!

The trees were cut five years ago and the roots had not dried up! Those trees were about fifty feet high with a stem of forty inches in circumference. The root system was double in size.

I had returned from a meeting of teachers, about 300 hundred of them, who gathered to discuss about the early childhood behaviour and learning style of children! One teacher in a personal conversation told me that, 'to give wings to a child, we need to focus on giving him roots to belong and grow'! 

The roots therefore are symbolic of the inner world of thoughts, experiences, perceptions, value system, attitude....!

A child imbibes all of these from the family. 

I came back thinking about it and seeing the root system of trees was revelational! The roots look strong and there are multiple of them!

A child is in a process of formation of his personality and temperament! It is important that each strand of experience that contributes to his or her formation is value based, morally sound and righteous and strong enough to help in making upright choices. 

So childhood education needs more attention ion than sending children to school! The formal education takes place in a school, but the personal formation takes place at home! It is the home which is the soil of his formation and belonging! 

The adult education involves parenting orientation! Most adults become parents without taking time to prepare to be parents and most parents accompany children without being ready to be resourceful corresponding to the different needs during the growing up years of children!

So give roots to children and parents for them to have wings!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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