30 September, 2018

Orchids and Dragon flies !

It was my weekly visit to the few orchids we have in the garden and watch the new flowers. Almost through out the year we have flowers in them! 

I was pleasantly surprised to find seven different red dragon flies and one black one in those plants. It was mid day and too bright to capture the original colours. The difference between the second dragon fly and the third was little. That too was fascinating to discover!

Every time I watch a dragon fly I feel fascinated by its habit of finding the earlier place to rest after flying aground for a while. Each one has its fixed place, it looks like.

From my experience, mid days are better times to spot the dragon flies in the garden!

I went searching for the breeding sites of dragon flies along a fresh water stream at the edge of our property. I did not know what to look for initially! The frogs feed on the eggs of dragon flies. So I started  looking for frogs. I could not locate  either of them!

So dragon flies need more attention.

Somehow the number of birds visiting the garden is on a decline! I wonder what is behind it! That is the next focus of enquiry for me!

M C Mathew(text and photo)

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