15 October, 2019

Wild and garden flowers!

The difference between the first photo of wild flowers and the orchid in our garden is hardly any. Both are colourful and look elegant.

The first plant grew p on its own in the hedge of our property and the second one grew up where we planted. 

The wild plants are at risk of getting destroyed during de-weeding. It also grows and spreads itself freely. It produces the flowers as it is its nature and would reappear in the same site even after it was removed during the de-weeding. It belongs to the earth and soil protects it even after the shoots and stems are removed.

The garden plant too has a similar story. The exception is that it needed a protected environment to grow. The soil conditions and temperature around are critical. They have their requirements of water and nutrients. They get looked after by the gardener.

I feel that the less advantaged in our society grow up like the wild plant, unprotected and unprovided. They are left to themselves, helpless, but survive because of their inherent resilience.

Yesterday, the story of an infant, stressed under the pressures of circumstances got me thinking even more. This infant was rescued on the third day by a children's home, born to an unwed mother, who abandoned the baby after birth. Now at one year, the infant has enormous neuro-developmental needs and the children's home is at a loss to plan for the adoption.

When I think of the future of this baby, it seems all the odds are against her further development.

The narration we heard from the two social workers who accompanied the baby, alerted us about the struggles they have to find necessary help for the baby because she is a girl and is developmentally challenged.

I wondered whether we were compassionate enough to the social workers in their efforts to be caring and providing for the baby. They carried an emotional heaviness that we could not respond to adequately. I hope they would come back to explore more clarity to plan for the baby!

M.C.Mathew(photo and text)

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