15 October, 2019

From sunshine to cloudy sight!

When we hear all the conversations, debates and discussion on the invasion of Turkey on Syria, there are different versions we hear and read about. One question that is seriously discussed is the timing of American troop withdrawal from teh border between two countries, which gave Turkey the access to invade Syria.

There are millions of refugees in Turkey from Syria who fled following the emergence of a terrorist outfit in Syria. Now that American troops have been withdrawn, the terrorist group has a greater control over Syrian affairs. 

The millions of refugees and the Kurds who fight for  a separate state for themselves are teh ones who are now caught in this humanitarian crisis. This gives access to Russia and other vested interests to be partisan and escalate the tension. 

We do not hear the political leaders behave like statesmen in this ugly and distressing situation. The president of America treats this situation lightly and the British government has lost its sight beyond Brexit. 

How terrible when the sunshine of sound consciousness is replaced by cloudy perception of human suffering.

I watched the sky turn from bright sunshine to a dusky sight in a few minutes. Soon a thunderstorm and heavy rain followed. 

I grew up in the Nehruivan era in India. What was evident them was global leaders watching over the affairs of nations. The United Nations Organisation was in its infancy at that time. The national leaders after the second world war seemed interested in global affairs. 

Now it looks like that teach country exists for itself. The trade war between America and China is not just for economic matters, but a bargaining posture for dominance. 

Earlier post second world war, it was cold war between the west and the East blocks. Now it is between countries.

When you hear the political leaders in India and Pakistan speak the language of hate and suspicion, I wonder whether we are humans or hostiles!

It is time for us to be fully human and go beyond being just national in our outlook !

M.C.Mathew(photo and text)

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