16 October, 2019

An Explorer's habit !

Tracking a butterfly is often difficult especially if there are a few of the same species hovering around the flowers. 

I tried tracking this butterfly in the garden for a while. Two observations were interesting. This butterfly did not return to the same flower during this short time.  It was versatile with its resting habit on the flowers.

A butterfly can travel long distance in a single day. It is common that some butterflies look for nectar of a particular taste and travel long distance for it.

Even a butterfly has its habit and pattern of behaviour.

I have been struggling with this thought for a season now. How can I change some of my habits and patterns when I become aware of a better habit or pattern!

When I have been involved in the medical examination of children, I came across some children, who bite their nails rather than clip and trim them!

Although I raised this issue with them and explained the risk of exposing the pulp of the tip of the finger and leave it unsupported, many children seemed reluctant to change. 

A habit can imprison us even when logically we are convinced about the need to change. 

I seem to withdraw from people who have let me down sometime or other. It is a habit that I am keen to change. I wish I can relate to people on the merit of the situation and free them of my prejudice of a past experience. 

To welcome every person with an openness every time is a challenge. When that can happen, I would establish a new habit. It is my change which is an example for others to consider a change!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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