02 October, 2019

Seventh Anniversary events- 7

On 12 September, 2019 the Developmental Paediatrics and Child Neurology department completed its seven years of service at the MOSC Medical College, Kolanchery.

We had a two day personal development workshop, facilitated by Ms. Annie Jacob, lecturer in counselling Psychology at CMC Vellore. It was a significant ecvent as it focussed on taking time for ourselves to get to know personally how each person works, learns, plans and responds ot various situations.

This interactive exercise gave time to turn the pages of the personal script and story each of us carries and reflect and share in the group. It gave each person  a new awareness of who we are and how we are becoming.

Thank you Annie for taking time to lead us through this process....you came at a time we were ready for such a journey inward. 

The previous six events were: Preparing a summary of seven years; presenting this report to the hospital management; external audit of the services by a three member team from CMC Vellore, preparing a journey document for the next three years, Signing a MOU with St Peter's school for health and developmental survey of children and creating new facilities in the department along with increasing the number of professional staff.  

We are thirteen as a group and hopefully a few more would join us. We bid farewell to one recently and might have to do the same to two others shortly who plan to relocate after their marriage.

How refreshing it is to sense that the team carries its fragility lightly and responsibly!

At the sunrise yesterday, I noticed this web of a spider in our garden swinging in the wind and the morning sun shining on some parts of the strands of the web. The rain and wind of the previous night did not damage the web

To me that was a hopeful symbol of the team at Developmental Paediatrics team. To have survived seven years amidst changes and challenges is a sign of the sunshine of God in our lives and work. The spider at the centre looks small in the photo. But it is the spider that creates the web. What it creates is larger than its size and scope.

To me that too is symbolic. Just a few of us at the department seem to connect with so many people from different parts of this country and overseas. A family who came this week from Goa and another from Kuwait reminded us that we are connected with many beyond our normal scope and region of influence. What a surprise!

So we enter the eight year, looking back, looking inward and looking forward!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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