22 June, 2019

Small birds from a distance!

My ability to identify birds is minimum.  This sighting of three birds at dawn while it was drizzling, on the top of a tree with dry branches held my attention. Their bird calls could be heard from a distance. 

Are they of three different species! They arrived together and departed together. Obviously they have something in common. 

I feel bruised by the language of accusation, anger and arrogance that is often spoken in the political debate in the TV shows. The anchors seem to be favouring an intimidating atmosphere of conversation! There isn't humour or laughter in the debates.

Few women in my neighbourhood decided to visit the elderly in the community and take a meal for them when they visit. It has created a chain reaction of similar responses in the other neighbourhoods. They are reinforcing our commonality of needs, aspirations and limitations. 

The nature is a home for all of us. The rich and the poor alike are struggling for drinking water in Chennai.

When 140 children died in Muzzafarpur following a strange illness, it has largely affected children who are malnourished. The disadvantaged are more vulnerable. 

What binds us together is our consciousness of the needs of each other. 

What changed the lives of people in Israel when they returned to their homeland after Israel was formed, was the the habit of living in communes, where they shared their resources to turn a 'desert' land to a land of prosperity. The travel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem reveals the fruits of their labour. The barren land on either side of the road got converted into orchards with the help of drop irrigation! 

When we live conscious of others and feel united in a common mission, there is a lasting impact! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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