11 November, 2018

One in the many!

Each of us in one in our biological family of many!

I have pondered over it in the recent weeks. 

Each flower in its bunch is distinct with its features, but similar to others in the bunch. 

So this distinctiveness and similarity co-exist.

In a conversation with a family I realised how this is a reason to celebrate!

The bunch of flowers is splendid in its appearance ! Each flower by itself would appear beautiful but when it is part of the bunch it constitutes the whole to make it splendid.

In a family each of us needs the space to exist and that is a need which cannot be dismissed away. At the same time we need the stem to hold the family together, with each one with his or her individual expressions for making the collective experiences refreshing! The stem is constituted by the collective, and not by one alone. 

When a wife mentioned yesterday that she woke up early everyday to prepare the breakfast and lunch packet for each of them, I realised that she was reaching out to the others to hold things together in the family. She is fulfilling her individual calling towards the wellness of the collective . 

It is what we do to each other in the family which shall make our family life resound with joy!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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