28 November, 2018

Biography-22 : People I want to remember-8

Fr. Joe Mannath, former professor at the department of Christianity at Madras University, is an author, retreat leader, mentor and a leader with many responsibilities and world-wide ministry as a  conference speaker. He now lives in New Delhi and publishes a magazine. Anna and I keep in touch with him because he is caring and inspiring. 

Dear .Fr Joe,


I think I met you in your office at the University of Madras for the first time probably in 1988, at a time when I was looking for spiritual direction. Meeting you and Fr.Tom were special for Anna and myself. Your warm, friendly and caring approach touched me right at the first instance itself. You listened to my biography and journey of life with considerable interest and offered to give us time as and when we needed. I have a feeling that I was introduced to you by Re. Fr Joe Antony whom I met at the school meetings where we jointly conducted meetings for parents. 

You offered to meet with us at the retreat centre which Fr Tom was establishing at that time. Our meetings once in two months or so for a unhurried time in fellowship, prayer, listening to each other and receiving your insights were most crucial for both Anna and myself at a time when we felt burdened by the demands which came upon us in our involvement with ASHIRVAD. We felt lonely and directionless sometimes, as we got involved with children having different developmental needs. 

You cared to keep in touch with Annaa nd myself, visited our home, shared meals with us and took an interest in our children and our family life. I remember coming to listen to your homilies given during the Holy mass at Perambur and other places because we needed spiritual nourishment for ourselves. 

Although I wanted to join for the Mphil course in Christianity which you were guiding at the university, I could not do it as I had already registered for a PhD programme in Neurology at that time. I have some regrets for it now. However, the suggestions you gave for developing my reading habits helped me immensely.

You have an immense regard for others and see the good in others. This was an affirming experience for me. You view life with openness towards God and others! I remember occasions in our conversations when you recognised the pain we carried within us on account of the pressures that came upon us due to lack of planned debriefing! You not only provided the debriefing opportunities but also gave us pastoral counselling and nurture. 

Your sense of humour and light heartedness was refreshing. You welcomed experiences as a learning journey. Some of the experiences you shared with us helped us to know more about ourselves and our situations. 

We found in you a person of immense availability. We could just telephone you and access time with you. We remember cming to meet you at Poonnamalle seminary, Egmore, and other places. For about ten years when we were in Chennai, your mentoring role in our lives anchored us and protected us from burn out. 

When we relocated ourselves at Vellore we missed meeting with you. You by then had moved to Bangalore.   

I remember one occasion, when you welcomed one of our good friends, Dr Hand Burki for fellowship and a meal, during which time,  the conversation was about ‘pastoral calling’. That is when I realised that the work with children and families who go through grief and stress needed not only a professional approach but also pastoral care. That was a turning point in my life.

Dear Fr Joe, you were God sent into our lives at a time, when we were lonely and needed spiritual accompaniment. You provided that with love, affirmation and understanding. 

I feel grateful for your sensitive ministry into my life during the formative period of my persoanla nd professioanl life.

Let me wish you wellness, health and wellbeing. 

It was a joy to meet you last year during your visit to kerala.

with much regards,


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