22 March, 2020

Darkness at dawn!

It was even before dawn when I set out for a walk. While the early morning light was bringing plants and trees to visibility, I noticed two pigeons in their night shelter. My presence did disturb them and they looked ready to fly away!

The dry tree devoid of leaves caught my attention! It was in contrast to the trees above which were green and fruit bearing!

This is a symbol of laity of life! There are people among us who are less privileged and live in shanty places!

In fact in a fifty square foot thatched house a family of six would live converting the single room to be the kitchen during the day and a bed room at night.  

Most of us remember them only when they are in our sight and continue living our luxurious lives rest of the time! 

This contrast would be what woeful hit us badly when those who are infected with corneal virus have to be isolated at home! Where is the place to isolate them at home! They might not even find public places to go to! 

Our societal shortcomings stare at us at a time like this and increase the risk of transmission of the infection to many more!

We need a social change of inclusive thinking in favour of the the less privileged and a deliberate practice of distributive justice!

In fact, one of the members of the parliament belonging to a political party seems to have moved a bill in the parliament to remove the world 'socialistic republic' from the preamble of the constitution. 

It seems to hurt the rich when they are reminded of the needs of the disadvantaged! The leadership of the country is on the hands of leaders who have a leaning towards right wing philosophy of helping the rich to become richer and give concessions to them when they fail to return the loans taken from the banks. 

As long as life is heavy and burdensome for some from day unto to day, we have not become a nation of fellow beings; we are only self driven people after personal success!

Now is the time to light a lamp to dispel the darkness of tubular vision!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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