31 March, 2020

Accepting each other !

There are some sights that capture our attention. It was still dark and visibility was poor. The two birds conversation, sitting on branches at two levels of the same tree. They were silent but engaging each other by looking.

One of the interesting aspects of bird behaviour is the way they relate to each other. It varies between hostility and togetherness. 

The species specific behaviour and between species reveal about the comfort level of birds with each other even when birds breach the territorial separation they practice.

I have often watched squirrels and crows chasing away other birds. But these two were accepting of each other. 

What might have disturbed all of us is the declining acceptance level between people of tow neighbouring states. With the borders between states were closed due to traffic restrictions, some states are exclusively concerned about protecting their population from importing corona infection from the other states, so much so one state  closed its road access by dumping mount of earth on the road. An ambulance carrying a lady could not cross the border to go to a hospital and she died on the return journey.

In a federal set up of multiple states, how important it is to maintain the acceptance level in difficult times. How importune it is to be civil to each other and accommodative of others as much s possible!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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