01 May, 2020

Two and Four !

I look for any pattern different from two or four flowers in this species of  Lily plants in our garden. We have about hundred such plants. Wherever I sight this species of Lily plants, apart from looking at the exquisite patten in the petals, with he linear lines from the base of the petals to the tip with equidistance between these lines, and the eye-pleasing the colour, I do count the flowers in a stem. 

I once spotted one flower alone in a stem, although I do not have a photo of it. I have yet to come across three flowers in a stem.

There are some common patterns in nature and they remain unaltered. 

Yesterday, a discussion took place when I was in a fish shop. Is it normal for businessmen to be honest! Of late fish smeared with formalin to increase its shelf life is in the market. As I heard the discussion go on between a few customers, I realised that it is acceptable to make 'adjustments' without serious consequences in order to make business viable. The owner of the fish shop confessed that ten years back, he would bury the fish that cannot be deep freezed for another day. Now he is not so particular as before. If he were to do it it would run him in to loss. From my experience, I have had a good experience of getting only fresh fish from him. He has many regular customers. Even he has compulsions to change his earlier practices. 

The pattern of honesty and good practices in business transactions are also changing. 

The news yesterday that was disturbing was that, although travel between Kottayam and Alleppey districts was banned in order to contain the spread of corona infection, some people hired a boat to travel out of Kottayam!. When the police found them half way and intercepted their travel, the excuse was that only road, rail and air traffic were banned! The police was helpless and could not take any action, except force them to return to Kottayam.  

The travellers missed the wood for a tree! This too is deception. 

Once we allow deceptive attitude to reside within us, our conscience consents to depart from truthful ways to pursue greater untruthful ways without feeling any hesitation!

It looks that more and more people follow deceptive ways and cover up their trial! 

What is common is two and four flowers in this species of lily plant. Anything other than that in this species is exceptional. 

The normal thing for all humans is to be truthful and accountable. Any conduct other than that is deception! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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