31 May, 2020

Roller skating in basket ball curt!

As I drove in to the MOSC College campus yesterday, the children were skating in the basket ball court. By the time I parked the car, they had sat down to untie their roller skates. I watched  this almost every day except when there was rain for a few weeks. It was a pleasure to watch younger and older children confidently balance at reasonable speed on the basket ball court. They talk and laugh and obviously were in good spirit. 

Usually children have to wait to use the basket ball court till the medical students finished their game. Now the students are away at home, children have access to the court all the time. 

There is something interesting I found about this. Most of the children skating were girls. It was refreshing to see girls also getting used to skating, which was often considered to be a sports of men. 

I happened to chat with a parent who resides in the college campus, who told me that boys spend longer time on telephone and watching TV or gaming that they are not regular in practicing or playing out-door games. 

According to the theory of the Multiple Intelligences, the domain of Kinaesthetic Intelligence regulates the the body functions of balance, movement, co-ordination posture, under influence of the cerebellum, basal ganglia, pyramidal tracts, sensory motor area, motor cortex, etc. Those who are engaged in ballet dance or gymnastics have an advanced level of kinaesthetic Intelligence. 

I felt fascinated by the swift turns all three of them made in the court, and the pace they maintained during the time I watched them. Well done children. You inspire us.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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