19 May, 2020

Children denied schooling!

One community who does not suffer from COVID 19 in large numbers, but denied schooling to protect them from the pandemic, has already spent four months away from school. It might be another four or more months before they can resume the schooling. 

One eight year old child asked me, 'Will I be able to go to school in June'! He went on to say, 'Uncle ask the Principal to open the school!

Many children cannot comprehend the situation in its totality! They feel denied of schooling and feel awful bout it.

There are five schools in my village. That is about five thousand children staying at home on on-line classes. 

At least for this period of staying at home, education has reduced to information acquisition instead  of the intent of education- Formation!

I want to remember all children who are waiting for the schools to open!

I remember my childhood days, when my mother would gather children in the evening from the neighbourhood and would read to them from news paper, story books, etc. It was an occasion when children had to lots to talk about what they heard. The reading time extended to a play time as well. Even now sports activities are allowed during the two weeks of restrictions provided there are not spectators.

I have a suspicion that with most children are on six to eight hours on on-line learning and spenD their private time on mobile phone. We would soon find children unable to sleep or sleeping less or suffering from sleep interruptions. Most of them are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. In any case the monsoon months carry greater risk for Vitamin D deficiency. I have recognised that the visual media has gone crazy with many advertisements which come in between the news carry scenes, ideas, body exposure, etc which would leave children confused. 

There are several buds yet to open in this bunch of flowers! But they too would open one day! While the buds take time to open, the buds too would protection. When children are most vulnerable and denied of their usual childhood habits, parenting patterns have to change. There ought to be family times at home almost daily to have debriefing conversations with children! 

Children and parents, this season would teach us some new lessons that we are to learn to face the future! The future throws up challenges for societal values such as honesty, courteously, mutuality, friendliness, equality of opportunities, etc.

The greatest of all these challenges is parenting. Do our children grow up with surrogate parenting style! Or do parents surround them with their protective, edifying, caring and affirming presence so that children relate to parents trustfully and openly!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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