20 August, 2018

Fragile and yet secure enough!

How fragile or secure we are in one sense! All what we have do not necessarily protect or redeem us! 

As I watched this leaf securely held by a web around which a spider has woven its strands, I realised that it has withstood the rain and wind of the last five days !

It is a time when we think about human vulnerability to circumstances. 

However, I hope we would believe, that 'God who watches over us does not sleep or slumber'! It is  a paradox that we are devastated by the recent flood, but we can still trust that we are held safely, it appears to be a fragile security!

Let me invite all of us to consciously trust this security in God...it looks fragile, but it is a sure and certain direction for human soul in difficult times!

I shall keep a watch over this leaf in the days to come!

This leaf with its supporting strand is a touching sight ! It was a gift given to me to revive my spirit!

This flood brings back memory to me of 1992 at Chennai when I was caught in a flash flood and the car stopped and got carried away by the gushing water for a while off the road! Few shopkeepers saw me in a dangerous situation pushed the car to safety! I could reach home only late night! To stay on the road with above waist water for six hours was a frightening experience!

What I celebrate is is our safety, which might appear fragile, but is still good enough and certain!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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