26 August, 2018

The Two flowering plants all through the year!

These plants, an Orchid and a Musanda flower all through the year in our garden! They are not conditioned by the seasons of the year! 

I feel challenged by this sight! To live above circumstances with fullness of life for the benefit of others!

I have had an experience of feeling almost overwhelmed by adverse circumstances due to broken relationships a year ago! I had to step back and review my thoughts, actions and reactions. I had a sense of failure because I have been used to accompanying others while resolving conflicting situations in their organisations! I was privileged to facilitate transition planning of leadership in five national organisations! But in the recent instance, which left me drowned in circumstances, I was not able to facilitate the transition process of leadership smoothly! I have pain and regrets about it, although I have sense of progressive recovery now, to carry on in my calling!

A year later, the adverse circumstances are still lingering, but I am beginning to feel freed from the heaviness I carried for a while! So I begin again to rediscover my calling! I feel that the latest winter in my life is  behind me now,  leading me into a season of spring!

Life is a luminous journey only as much as we feel enlightened by the vision of life and mission of living! This comes to us through occasions of 'givenness' of grace to endure and trust! 

As I sat watching these bunch of flowers in the garden yesterday, I was moved because, they survived even the recent heavy rains!

In the book, 'Falling Upward' by Richard Rohr, he wrote about those who fall, while bouncing on a trampoline! They usually fall upwards because the trampoline bounces the one jumping! So a fall restores everyone to come back to standing!

So every trying time is like falling upward towards new insights, mission and revelation! A fall can help to bounce back to life! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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