15 September, 2022

Fifty second Hospital day!

After a break of two years due to the COVID related restrictions, the 52 nd, hospital day of the MOSC Medical mission was celebrated yesterday.

As the flag was hoisted in the morning, after the recollections by the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Joy P Jacob, I felt drawn by the logo of the hospital on the flag, 'Be not afraid, Only believe' a text from the sayings of Jesus of Nazareth. They were the words of Jesus to a synagogue official, who received the message that his daughter had died. Jesus turned to the official and said, 'Do not be afraid any longer, only believe' (Mark 5:36). Jesus subsequently visited the house of the official and brought back his daughter to life. 

The second message I received was through some of the drawings made by the hospital staff,  depicting their perception of hospital life. Most of the drawings had a sailing boat, in different stormy surroundings. Truly, that brought hope to all of us. The theme of all the drawings were hope and journey. The call to believe is an experience of many in the hospital. 

The developmental Paediatrics department started functioning on the hospital day in 2012. So the hospital day yesterday, was our tenth anniversary as well. We lit a candle in the department and sat around the light, recalling our memories of the last ten years. We closed the day thinking of the stormy journey thus far, but feeling safe and secure to move on!

We move on because we are given the gift to believe!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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