22 June, 2022

Wounded, but flourishing!

One fascinating sight at the Bolgotty palace ground at Ernakulum, is its trees in and around the swimming pool. The towering trees with its canopy is shade giving and a shelter providing for birds. They add an elegant look to the palace premise as they merge with the the architecturally unique buildings in the compound. 

It was by chance that I happened to go near to one of the trees. The bifurcated stems of one tree carry the weight of the tall tree, which spreads out its several branches in different directions bearing the thick foliage.   

One stem had a deep hollow downward, the depth of which could not be ascertained in the darkness within the hollow. Several of its branches had encircling saporophytes growing on them.   

I stood looking at this sight with my biography surfacing within me. This tree was certainly older than me. It withstood several seasons of storms, the decay to one of its stems with its xylem and phloem eaten away by parasites and most the branches invaded by the saprophytes. Yet it was a vibrant tree with a stately presence adding to the history of the place elegantly. 

The tree was wounded but it endured it to fulfil its mission as a tree. It potential was not reduced by what it had suffered from!

Soon I shall move on to another year in my life! My biography which has many seasons of discoveries and movements of joy and contentment along with some hurts and wounds. The disappointments dragged me into a valley experiences of sorrow and regrets now and then. But what stands out in my story line is the strength they provided to be present where I was placed. Although the inner canvas of my life bears the marks of disappointments and anxious times, what makes my life resonates with hope and cheer is the joy of living that I have been given at each turning point or a cross road! 

I was reminded of this in a moving way yesterday. A family with their child with multiple developmental challenges told me a story of their current involvement with a few friends who too have children with developmental needs. They reach out to them to listen and support even when they live with their only child who have enormous daily needs. Their story in the words of Henri Nouwen is that of being a 'wounded healer'!

I recalled occasions when I slipped into self pity and blaming others and lost the sense of direction. The events at my work place and affairs connected with another institution in the last four years, where I was actively involved, consumed and burdened me for a while. I walked the path with a limb. Looking back, they too became resources to grow into a new orientation to life- living with an open heart and mind, where circumstances turn out to be formative in function. 

When the gardener provided three flowering plants in the car parking slot on his own, to keep the slot for me, it became a symbol of the many provisions and encouragements I receive along the way. For six months, there were many occasions when others parked in my slot and I had to search for a parking place in the morning. Seeing this predicament, the gardener reached out to me to protect the slot by placing the pots in the parking space when I take out the car in the evening. Since then, the parking slot remains vacant when I arrive in the morning. Given without asking for it!

Every time I encounter a story of grief and loss or the memories of my journey through darkness returns to me, there is a clarity of the larger gain I received through such experiences.  I feel grateful for having been protected from despair in such situations. 

The tree stood exposing its hurt but with a message of triumphing over them!

Life is for living in this spirit of spreading wide and offering shelter and comfort to others!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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