22 June, 2022

The risky path!

Anna and I take a cruise into the backwaters in Ernakulum a few times a year mainly to accompany visitors.  The cruise is a delightful experience as it takes us to the mouth of the Bay of Bengal where the backwaters join the sea. 

What often intrigued me is the sight of the foot Path leading the boat. The makeshift  path leading to the boat with uneven surface with railing with huge gaps, through which a child can easily slip into the water below, is a frightful sight. Hundreds of passengers use this shaky foot path each day. There are about fifty boats berthed in this site, each having such a shaky access to reach the boat. To me it is a disgrace, when we look at it from the point of safety!

The other side of this is a vivid illustration of the life we live. In order to reach where we are to go, the path can be often unchartered, shaky and unpaved!

The walk along such a path can make us feel weary and lonely!

That might be the reason why many start on the life's journey but get way laid due to the shaky path they are called to tread on!

The story of the wounded traveller, waylaid while on a journey, told by Jesus of Nazareth, referred to, as the parable of the Good Samaritan is pointer to a reality we can live with. Although distressed while on his way, the wounded person was attended to by a stranger to carry him to safety. 

It occurred to me as I was pondering over the shaky paths I was called to take, that someone or other accompanied me during such times in a mysterious way. I recall the turning points in my life because someone cared to steady the path by accompaniment. 

At the fortieth anniversary year of ASHIRVAD, Anna and I remember how Dr William Cutting and Dr V.I.Mathen facilitated ASHIRVAD to partner with the Christian Medical College, Vellore to create the first Developmental Paediatrics specialty in any Medical College India in 1997. At a time when the path ahead looked shaky, both these friends made us move forward by their steadfast support. Where we are now in the 25th year of the Developmental Paediatrics Unit at CMC is a tribute to them and for their vision. 

We can be companions to others to make their path more steady and purposeful! There are many who walk alone on a slippery ground. 

To live that vocation of being a companion to others is an opportunity for their wellness and for our growth!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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