06 June, 2022

Seeking for human contact!

There are some cats in our neighbourhood who move from house to house at different times of a day, to stay in touch with different homes. 

We have two cats who visit us regularly and stay around for a while and then leave. Daffney and Dulcie have become friendly towards them that they do not bark to disturb them. The cats have a fixed path that they choose every day and follow their routine unmindful of what else is happening. 

I noticed from the behaviour of cats that they become friendly to feel homely and relational. I know of a friend who helped a cat to communicate and express. This cat would come near when she needed to be stroked and carried!

It is inherent in them to feel wanted and received!

It is common to us as humans. 

A child who is carried, spoken to and  cuddled would cry much less as they feel understood and provided for, that they do not have to express their need through crying. A child's behaviour is conditioned by what the child receives from the home. 

That is why good parenting practices upbuild children. A child till about nine months can get up from sleep crying, calling for the attention of parents. The same child having known to address parents by nine months would call for them when she or he is awake! That is the way there is an evolution of healthy bonding. Instead if parents were not available to greet a child when he or she called for attention, then the child in anxiety or disappointment would cry! We are partly responsible for the unreasonable crying spells of children. It is when they get less attention, they are prone to be unreasonably crying!

Give attention and pre-school children reciprocate with their full attention!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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