28 June, 2023

A message for the season!


There are some unusually awakening captions in the T-shirts children wear. I came across the one above a few days back

The double message is captivating: Believe in yourself and Aliens !

The first phrase is in bolder letters and the second phrase is in smaller letters. 

That itself is a contrasting message. 

If one can trust in one's pursuit of purpose in life, the enemies become smaller in strength and influence. 

For me it was a timely message. 

As I prepare for the retirement from the current work two days from now, this message was hope giving. While being engaged passionately and decisively in pursuing a purpose, the difficulties and challenges would get subsumed. The tendency is to foresee the difficulties larger than what they truly are! The message above is to downsize the difficulties and see the purpose and path ahead of as an opportunity with all possibilities. 

I took a tour today through the three facilities associated with the work I was involved in for ten years. Each of the facility was designed and created for children with neuro-developmental needs. The rooms aesthetically designed and well furnished to promote different child developmental pursuits of children were custom built! As I prepare to take leave of them, my memories were flooded with stories of their beginning and people behind each of the three facilities. 

I came into an institution in 2012, when it was ready to start a new initiative in child development. I leave uncertain of the direction it would take in the years to come! 

I can be preoccupied with fear about the future  or  leave with a sense of gratefulness and celebration for what has been possible in the last ten years. 

It is a time of remembering and cherishing the last ten years! That is what I was reminded to do, when I read  the caption on the T-shirt a child was wearing!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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