23 October, 2020

On the opposite sides or on the same side!

With the presidential election of the United States of America only a couple of weeks away, I get a sense of divided nation on account of he narratives the Republicans and the Democrats have placed on the electorate. The approach of the president Trump has been acrimonious, hostile, dehumanising and divisive as much as I perceive it. Mr Joe Biden was more moderate although was not unifying enough  in approach as Americans or citizens of a global world. 

With the Bihar election before us, the Prime Minister Mr Modi and the opposition leader Mr Rahul Gandhi are electioneering in Bihar today. We would hear a similar divisive campaign narratives and even unfortunate name calling from today onwards. 

How is that we have left behind our common journey and destiny as humans!

I watched this pair of Wood peckers for a while this morning. They were opposite off each other on the trunk of the coconut palm, but both inched towards each other to come to teh same side. During the move, both were hidden to the camera for short periods. 

We ought to be coming together. That is our journey history. We are born similarly, live similarly, go through life events similarly till we draw our lives to a close at the appointed time 

How can our political believes make us 'curse', wish harm or disgrace another person who only opposes us because the democratic system permits us to do so. 

I wish we would hear a common strategy to provide employment to people, fight the corona pandemic, rebuild broken lives, save the children from losing an academic year...!

Instead the state governments offering free vaccination, one political party offer it for Bihar! What a loss of decency that , even on health matters, we influence voters by enticing them with a promise!

I feel spoken to by the wood peckers coming to the same side, because, I have had some painful experiences of losing relationships by not negotiating enough to be on the same side emotionally and relationally, even when there were disagreements on perspectives and policies!

All humans are on the same side, how much ever we might appear to differ because of religion, class, political affiliation, economic status, etc!

As my thoughts kept wandering and feeling disturbed in my difficulties to pursue togetherness of purpose on some occasions with people I have been associated, I looked up the coconut palms to see three Red vented Bulbul birds on its palm leaves (Photo below). 

Living with mission of togetherness in purpose, is the ordained way of life for humankind !

But thee are times when one might feel left alone, which is also a journey experience. 

When left alone in a given situation on account of a conviction, it is important to stay open and friendly as much as possible as even in that situation, we are to be looking for the good of others all well.

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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