28 October, 2020

Hidden and present !

It was the birdsong that drew my attention to this tree about 150 meters away. What was not so evident to my eye became clear with the help of a Binocular. 

So much happen all around us, not known to us and often not possible to keep a track on all of them!

I keep thinking about how we live in our families and work places! Each of us has an inner story of consciousness, disappointments, concern, anxiety or sense of wonder. We live  most of the times without the full awareness of these personal stories. 

I find that there is enough to occupy us with our personal agenda, that we do not go beyond our territory or orbit. Others can exist with their joyful or sorrowful experiences, and feel constrained with the burden of these. One can live oblivious of that.

I have often felt that we end up asking to each other, 'How are you' as a way of greeting and not expecting to go beyond the superficial. The real me is within and hidden. So it can be with each one of us. 

I find that we can live with the doors to our lives shut, partially open or fully open. I have sometimes felt that I live with the doors shut because it is difficult to bring out the story of the inner happenings when I feel that the environment is not conducive to be open. I suppose I too can inhibit others from being open!

We need to stay hidden periodically to be inwardly ready to be open. It is in a trusting environment when we can receive each other without suspicion, questions or doubt, each person can find strength to be open and confessional.  

Sometimes we choose to live confined to ourselves! It is important to accept that as acceptable enough. 

What this Sunbird inspired me was to choose the sound rhythm of staying hidden and visible. Except for its birdsong this small bird lives, moves about and finds its feed quietly, often unnoticed. Its identity lies in its inherited rhythm.

To offer freedom to others in the way they choose to live and relate is true spirit of togetherness! To respect and be content with that state of relating is one way of receiving others just as they are! It shall make it reciprocal!

So to stay with those who stay, move with those who move and run with those who run is a way of ordering our relationships!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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