11 September, 2016

Between the two flowers!

As I watched this Moth move between the two flowers several times in the garden this morning, I wondered why it did not complete sucking and move to the other flower once and for all!

That made me curious! I watched butterflies, bees and other honey sucking insects do the same thing!

I noticed a hurry and more fluttering than staying at any flower!

If a pre-school child were to be moving from one activity to another in a hurry, one would refer to it as impulsivity! 

But that can't be the case with these honey sucking flies!

I have decided to explore this further!

One insight that dawned on me as a lesson of application in daily living is that we exist in a space of events and happenings and they make us behave in a particular way!  I wish all of us can grow out of this anxiety of being conditioned and controlled by others!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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