31 May, 2021

Cloud, wind and darkness!


I was on my way back home from the hospital a few days back. The weather turned ugly, with strong wind, dark cloud in the horizon and increasing darkness! 

I stopped at the way side watching the bird movements. 

As I looked on either side of the road, I noticed these two birds not far from each other, perched in a somber mood!

As I waited for about ten minutes at this sight till it started to drizzle, what I watched brought memories of recent experiences at my work place.

As far children are concerned, it is a dry season in their lives.  They are denied of normal childhood experiences of schooling and made to sit before the on line instruction each day due to the COVID pandemic!

While listening to parents about the awful experiences of having to restrain children from going out to play or to visit the neighbourhood homes to meet with friends, or have get togethers, I felt lost as they are at their wits end.  

During an on-line consultation with a child, he told me that he is waiting to go back to school. He wants to go back to school, because that is where he can be with friends. 

With the third wave of COVID predicted to affect children, there is a panic among parents and health care professionals. Where will all children find facility to receive help! How can children be separated from parents if they have be to be in quarantine!

It is a long way away from vaccination for children!

The two birds weathering the wind and cloud outburst made me realise that they are used to this and ready for this. They know that 'even this will pass away'!

I wonder whether we can refocus on preparing children to return to school now or later, for which teachers and children need a great deal of emotional preparation. 

Teachers too are heavy of heart as they are made to live away from the proximity of children which is what makes teaching a vocation. 

Amidst losses, we need to find gains and meaning from this difficult season. 

The professionals in the department where I work created two nursery rhyme albums and uploaded in the U-tube calling it, 'Singing for children during COVID time'!

The road home is long, winding and lonely!

We need to stay with children and parents to help them go beyond this interruption to their school life! 

I wonder there would be 'Listening friends' in the community, who are ready to be in a de-briefing role! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

25 May, 2021

Trees, cloud and the sky!

I  often look out the window opposite my window of the room, where I welcome families for consultation at my work place. What appears before me often surprised me. 

The trees appear ion different hues depending on the time of the day. The clouds appear differently during different times of the day. The sky appears similar in a bright day.  

The three together constitutes a symbol which seems to make a lot sense to me. 

The tree, cloud and the sky give a message of change and constancy.

The changes are reflected in the trees and the cloud depending on the time of the day or night. The sky is the constant.  

My thoughts have meandered between change and constancy in the last few weeks.

One change that has disturbed me is the sudden ambivalence of the government of India in providing vaccines against COVID! Even after a disturbing trend of thousands dying and dead bodies floating in Ganges, during the second wave of the pandemic and the prediction of even more serious third wave shortly, the government of India has left the state governments to fend for themselves. The vaccine companies have indicated reluctance to deal with the state governments. This too has not awakened the government of India to view this as an emergency. Currently the news is that the Prime Minister is in huddle with his political party to prepare for the Uttar Pradesh assembly election due in ten months time.

What has remained constant in this rather depressing situation is the efforts of health workers to lend their best efforts to do what is needed. I listen to the stories of health care professionals  from a leading institution daily on a zoom platform, which surprises me of the resilience and hope with which they carry on looking after patients with COVID for the last eighteen months. We come a across a stretched health care system, but not a crumbling one as health care professionals carry the altruistic outlook to their work. It is one time in my opinion, the health care professionals have been most admirable to 'give themselves in service without counting the cost'. 

I read that health care professionals, about 200 of them in AIMS, New Delhi until last week had not received their vaccination and yet they continued their work steadfastly. 

What is that we see in the horizon! The ruling political party is preparing for retaining power in five States which would go to poll next year. That reveals thiir optic through which they see the horizon. 

Where as thee heath care professionals see people in need in their horizon! 

Let me suggest that we in India are loosing the democratic culture. We are into an authoritarian system where they use people to control and impose a sectarian view o life and living!

We live under the canopy of the sky, which would not change! That canopy is a pointer to an invitation to live with hope that human goodness would prevail and not self seeking culture!
M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


24 May, 2021

An hour with a Parakeet !


I was in the road below our property to gather the fallen nutmeg fruits yesterday afternoon. 

I heard and saw the flight movement of a pair of Parakeets towards the outhouse adjacent to our cottage where there is a star fruit plant. I climbed over the wall and hurried to watch the parakeets eat one of their favourite fruits. I noticed both parakeets in different branches ambushed in thick foliage. The sign of their presence was only occasional movement of leaves and pieces of the fruit they drop regularly, which made a carpet with pieces of star fruit on the steps below. 

It was after about fifteen minutes, one of them became fully visible for me to take shots of their eating pattern. This parakeet bit and dropped the shell of the fruit and ate only the whitish  pulp. It took less than a minute to demolish one fruit and moved on to get another one. This one parakeet alone ate nine fruits and dropped a few while clipping the fruit between its beaks to fetch one.

This pair of the parakeets have been regular visitors for a while now as the tree was full of fruits. Now only a few are left now. 

Anna who planted the tree three years ago developed different ways of using the star fruit. The juice and jam made out of the fruit can be stored in the refrigerator wit adding any preservatives. 

Our domestic helpers have suggested that we frighten the parakeets away as they drop as many as they eat. They do not like to pick up the fallen fruits. So it is an effort to keep the pavement clean. 

But I felt a story line emerging within me as I watched this sight for about forty five minutes. Our environment is home for living beings of all sorts. It is we who can allow them to live and thrive!

I remembered the story of the way the college campus of CMC Vellore at Bhagayam looked about seventy-five years ago. It was barren and a treeless land with some buildings of college  and houses. Professor Jacob John, while taking us on a campus walk thirty years ago mentioned how there was an effort to plant  trees. As the trees grew, they attracted birds. The bird droppings made more shrubs and trees to grow. Now the campus is a natural jungle, a home for birds and reptiles. There are some other campuses of IIT Chennai, Madras Christian College, The Ecumenical Centre, Whitfield, Bangalore, which have a similar stories of purposeful afforestation over the years. 

Live and let Live is the slogan of naturalists and environmentalists!

Welcome Parakeets! Even if you do not let us have a share of the fruits, it is all right. You need them more than us! I wish you would learn to pick up the fruits you drop and eat them. Then  the fruits would last for you a longer period! Even our domestic helpers would begin to welcome you! They do not mind  clearing the mess you leave behind on the floor, but not like wasting raw fruits which you alone can eat!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


22 May, 2021

The darkness of the mid-day

It was this sight that warned us a few days ago that the depression in the Arabian Sea was having its effect inland. There was lot of bird movements in the sky at his time unlike the usual. 

The heavy downpour that lasted an hour with wind and lightning at the middle of the day was fear generating. There was a fury in it. 

I noticed a Drongo  still perched on a slender twig high above, weathering the rain and wind. In adjacent coconut tree there was a waterbird enduring the rain. 

Many birds are weather 'resistant'!

I have been faint hearted during the last few weeks feeling the pressure to go beyond the circumstances I encounter at my work place. 

Sighting these two birds in the rain and wind brought some cheer to me.  

I remembered the words of prophet Isaiah,"Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs and carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes"(Isa.40.12)

The darkness shall pass away. Even in the darkness of the mid-day, there is hope and consolation!

M.C .Mathew(text and photo)

20 May, 2021

Thriving inspite of damage!

I was on my walk in our garden and I noticed this Musanda plant having had a sudden spurt of growth recently. 

This plant was damaged in its stem (second photo) during the previous storm about a year back and struggled to revive for many months. I did not hope to see it returning to its life considering that the stem was vertically split reaching to the root level. 

But the plant is not only growing but about to bear its blossoms in plenty. From teh damaged stem three strong branches have emerged. 

My perception about the plant was proved wrong. It is when one suffers, there is emergence of a renewed life.

It was this book that helped me recently to consider moving towards a more reasonable approach to my thought process. I realised I have relied on my experiences often than on objective assessment of situations. The 'familiarity bias' of thinking as bore is a trap. If there is a new day, then there is a need to embrace a new perception. 

In this book in the first chapter, Bobby Duffy quoted an Octogenarian psychologis, Daniel Kahneman, a noble laureate of 2002 in economic sciences, from his book, 'Thinking fast and slow' a significant observation. Commenting on the well being or happiness index of different nations, Kahneman suggested that we can either live, 'experiencing self' or 'remembering self'. 

Those who choose to live experiencing life would turn every occasion to live fully in the present and make that to bring well being. The circumstances or adversity do not stress them or reduce their passion to live. Where as, those who live remembering life events and condition living by them seem to live under the traction of past experiences. They do not revise their optic or contextualise living in the present. They have the story of the past living in them which colours the optic and outlook. 

He illustrated how we tend to remember negative experiences more than pleasant experiences. 

We live in a perilous time of a pandemic of COVID and most of our experiences related to it are loss of loved ones and horror stories of people having to struggle to get due care when they were sick. 

At the same time, there is another side of the story. About 320 doctors seem to have lost their lives with COVID while taking care of others. The health care system in India although stretched beyond its capacity, is still hope giving to thousands who need care.  

I have suspicion that the political leadership in India is partly responsible to create a high decibel narration of negativism. The politicians thrive by criticising and not by appreciating or  collaborating. 

We are consenting to disregard others who do not conform to our views. 

The plant in this blog thrived against all odds. It stands as a monument of resilience and hope. I am reminded of Prophet Isiah's hope: 'A bruised reed He will not break, a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish, He will faithfully bring justice. He will not be disheartened or crushed until he has established justice in the earth' (Isa.42:3-4).  
As I listened  to some doctors yesterday in a meeting, I realised how they have devoted to give their utmost for COVID care. They visited a family of a domestic helper working in their department, whose son got married. For them that too was an occasion to remember. I felt overwhelmed by how well they live and work with an enlarging awareness of fullness of life and the wellness that they can find by acts of kindness towards others. 

We are called to live in the present, looking into the way that God in His kindness would open before us!

 We are called to a life overflowing with message of hope!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

19 May, 2021

Leaves shelter water!

The leaves of lemon grass shelter water drops till a wind moves the leaves. 

The health care professionals in India have been most vigilant to support patients of COVID although many carry high risk of exposure to the infection, although vaccinated. About 50 doctors seem to have died on one day, while engaged in caring for COVID patients. 

The support system to the health care professionals at a time like this has been inadequate. 

The caring of the carers is of utmost importance at this critical juncture. 

The long hours of work, emotional weariness, operational challenges like getting oxygen, lack of safe facilities at work, etc have compounded the situation. 

Now that the vaccination programme got stalled by the unjustifiable policy of the government of India, the agony is going to be prolonged. Even by the year end, fifty percent of population would not have got vaccinated!

The demand on the health care professionals would get further aggravated. According to Dr Devi Shetty, if children were to get infected in large numbers, we would not have facilities to look after them. 

I look at the lemon grass sustaining the water drops. A wind is enough to dislocate the water drops. If the health care professionals get disturbed, anxious and unsettled due to lack of support for their wellness, the health care would suffer. I fear for COVID patients who hang on delicately trusting our health care system!

What we need is a voice of hope to patients and health care professionals!

That voice ought to come from people who lead the nation. 

In the state of Kerala, the former Health minister, a lady of outstanding leadership, who got a big lead in the recent election, was dropped from being in the new ministry that is to be installed two days from now. It is a pointer to the malady of the situation. Efficient leadership is not what is preferred but 'yes' people. The current Chief Minister who is going to continue for a second term seems to have got 'yes' people in his cabinet! We run-in a system of governance by not being equitable and fair. 

I find that the health care professionals are in the receiving end! I feel for them and grieve with them! The post graduate entrance test is delayed, which means even less professionals in the hospitals! 

Where is the voice of wise counsel in difficult time!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


18 May, 2021

Flowers to fruits!

A few weeks ago, the guava tree had flowers. Now they have become fruits.  What a sight to behold!

The transition from flower to fruits is the substantial purpose of a tree! To acknowledge the benefits it receives from the earth underneath and the space above, it gives its fruits for those who seek them. 

A tree with fruits is a symbol of gratefulness!

A neighbour came to the main road yesterday to wait for me to help me reach home as the roads were blocked to make our are a containment zone of the COVD 19. I was touched by this gesture. Kindness in its best form!

Giving back to others is a noble way of living. This is the opposite of self-promoting intent!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


Finding nectar!

During the in between dry spell of about half an hour, when it was raining most of the day, butterflies were searching for its nectar. There were a few in our lawn.

I took time to observe this one, which moved from one open flower to the other for its nectar Its arrival and departure drew my attention. It did not hover around purposelessly, but identified every open flower in a bunch of buds and gathered the nectar and flew away.

Its purposefulness and focus was phenomenal. It had its plan in focus. 

Getting distracted is my struggle. Almost every evening when I arrive at home from work, I have a list of things I have planned  to do, while driving back home. Yesterday, I wanted to complete two projects that was spending for a week. 

I got distracted by the news about the demolition plan of seven iconic buildings in New Delhi to accommodate the the current plan of Central Vista.

I remember going to most of the buildings for functions and meetings. The buildings such as museums, art and cultural centre,  conference centre, and other heritage centres are going to be demolished. 

I just could not recover from the shock! To think that a new political leadership has to undo the pre-independent and post independent history in such a thoughtless manner to me is utter disregard to our foundational history of India. About 70 historians and intellectuals have written to the Prime Minister protesting against this plan requesting to suspend this plan till further consultations took place. The supremacy of the political party that governs the country with its brute majority gives no chance for dialogue. 

To feel is one thing, but to be overcome by a disturbing experience to loose track of what needs attention is yet another thing. I wonder whether I fall in to the second category!

That is why meditating on the behaviour of this butterfly was revealing and illuminating!

Although life cannot be lived in a linear progression, life cannot be allowed to get dissipated  by distractions!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


17 May, 2021

A squirrels' way !

A squirrel eagerly reached the papaya fruit tree looking for its morning meal. Finding the papaya not ripe, it moves way! It jumps and runs with no sign of disappointment. It moves to the next site of exploration!

What a sight!

To stay disappointed and even giving up come too early to humans! 

I learned something valuable in the way a squirrel faced its disappointment. 

Moving on to life ahead in every stage of difficulty! What is ahead although unknown, is often more promising!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

A Brahminy Kite during depression in the Arabian Sea!

I noticed a large bird yesterday, while it was drizzling, hovering over an inundated paddy field and settling in between in a shrub, about 400 meters below our campus. I do not remember seeing such a bird in our vicinity. 

I was surprised by a 'distinguished looking raptor, bright rusty red above and white head, neck, breast down to the abdomen'. It had a round tail, not wedged and therefore distinguishable form a regular kite or a vulture.

They are normally habitants of seacoast, riverside or marshy fields as they are scavengers and feed on frog, fish, winged termites emerging from rain soaked soil, etc. 

They are noticeable in different parts of India, Andamans, Bangladesh, SriLanka and Myanmar. I wondered whether this bird was displaced from seashore, which is only 35 kilometre from here, following the high tide persisting for four days due to the depression!

It was a rare sighting in our area. I regret that I was not able to get sharper pictures in the drizzle. 

My interest in birds have increased recently, as their behaviour of co-existence surprises and challenges me and is something to learn from!

A Barbet on one side of the tree and a Drongo on the other side!

As I reflect on the conflict between Israel and Palestinians, which has become to an alarming level of conflict in the last week, I wonder whether we have lost our humanity of tolerance! 

I find that some birds come to me as my teachers!

They are vulnerable to the fury of nature with rain and wind, summer and winter and drought and flooding! And yet they stay practicing their normal temperament. A crow might chase away a wood pecker or a squirrel or a Magpie Robin. Often it is akin to a game!

When posters appeared in the streets of New Delhi, criticising the Prime minister for his faulty approach to vaccination against COVID, 24 people have been arrested so far! We have come to an intolerable mood towards others who differ from us!

I like the way, the late retired Metropolitan of the Marthoma Church, Bishop Chrysostam approached differences or disagreements. He moved out of his legitimate right to be the Metropolitan till his life time, in order to allow the next senior bishop to become the Metropolitan. When asked about his decision to do so, he seems to have said, 'It is not from a position one serves, but stepping down from the position. Did not Jesus of Nazareth leave his heavenly place to become a servant!'

Our humanity is inherited from God. His nature made known to us is 'loving our neighbour as ourselves'!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)