04 May, 2021

Integrating of abilities in a group!

The Nutmeg fruits from a seventy year old tree, the oldest in our garden, tall and well spread out standing elegantly adjacent to our cottage! It is a tree where birds have their nests. It provides shelter and shade from heat in summer to our cottage. When we pick up the nuts each morning from underneath the tree, with the maize beautifully covering them, I remember those years when this tree had no nuts for several season. The tree was subsequently grafted with a branch from another tree, following which the tree had plentiful fruits each year. 

The grafting is a biological process. The new branch grows from the old trunk. The trunk of the old tree bears the new branch and integrates it into its biological system. The old tree trunk could reject the new branch, but often it does not. The tree grows normally after the grafting and brings together the strength of the old tree and the fruit bearing capacity of the new tree. There is a double benefit. 

I have looked at this model in work place during the last forty years. Whatever was possible in the mission of ASHIRVAD in taking sides of children with developmental needs was the result of integrating the efforts of several people.  It was the initiative of Mr. Johny Samuel, the sessions clerk of the St Andrew's church which facilitated the beginning of the special school of ASHA, which today is a valuable expression of service in Chennai. Mrs Pushpa Waghmare from Nagpur took the leadership to establish the Early Learning Centre at Nagpur. Dr V.I.Mathen, the then director of CMC Vellore invited ASHIRVAD to partner with the institution to start the Developmental Paediatrics Unit, which is going to celebrate its 25th year in 2022. 

I have come across recently the story of 15 mission hospitals in north india who were offered assistance by philanthropic organisations to help them start the COVID care centres, which might be the only such facility in and around the places where they are located. The CMC Vellore was able to provide leadership in innovative COVID care because a charitable trust offered its unconditional support for creating special facilities. 

This form of coming together is one way of fruit bearing by collaboration.   

The place where I work now will enter its tenth year in 2022. I am amazed at the way many collaborated. It was Ms Susan Shoji, a psychologist who took the lead for starting the play group and the Early Learning centre, Ms Tinu Paul who provided the logistic support from the office,  Ms. Chintu, the first occupational therapist who promoted play abased developmental appraisal and home based support...Ms. Sneha the speech therapist who made an impact on families to use singing as a way of engaging children to promote language skills...the list is longer to list all of them here.  This spirit of integrating efforts continues in my work place. 

I feel that such 'coming together' of people and their resources is what makes any mission to be fruitful. 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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