25 May, 2021

Trees, cloud and the sky!

I  often look out the window opposite my window of the room, where I welcome families for consultation at my work place. What appears before me often surprised me. 

The trees appear ion different hues depending on the time of the day. The clouds appear differently during different times of the day. The sky appears similar in a bright day.  

The three together constitutes a symbol which seems to make a lot sense to me. 

The tree, cloud and the sky give a message of change and constancy.

The changes are reflected in the trees and the cloud depending on the time of the day or night. The sky is the constant.  

My thoughts have meandered between change and constancy in the last few weeks.

One change that has disturbed me is the sudden ambivalence of the government of India in providing vaccines against COVID! Even after a disturbing trend of thousands dying and dead bodies floating in Ganges, during the second wave of the pandemic and the prediction of even more serious third wave shortly, the government of India has left the state governments to fend for themselves. The vaccine companies have indicated reluctance to deal with the state governments. This too has not awakened the government of India to view this as an emergency. Currently the news is that the Prime Minister is in huddle with his political party to prepare for the Uttar Pradesh assembly election due in ten months time.

What has remained constant in this rather depressing situation is the efforts of health workers to lend their best efforts to do what is needed. I listen to the stories of health care professionals  from a leading institution daily on a zoom platform, which surprises me of the resilience and hope with which they carry on looking after patients with COVID for the last eighteen months. We come a across a stretched health care system, but not a crumbling one as health care professionals carry the altruistic outlook to their work. It is one time in my opinion, the health care professionals have been most admirable to 'give themselves in service without counting the cost'. 

I read that health care professionals, about 200 of them in AIMS, New Delhi until last week had not received their vaccination and yet they continued their work steadfastly. 

What is that we see in the horizon! The ruling political party is preparing for retaining power in five States which would go to poll next year. That reveals thiir optic through which they see the horizon. 

Where as thee heath care professionals see people in need in their horizon! 

Let me suggest that we in India are loosing the democratic culture. We are into an authoritarian system where they use people to control and impose a sectarian view o life and living!

We live under the canopy of the sky, which would not change! That canopy is a pointer to an invitation to live with hope that human goodness would prevail and not self seeking culture!
M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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