06 October, 2022

An orchid needing no attention!

We have this purple coloured Philippine ground Orchid in our garden. They are in bloom during all the seasons. The flowers last for three to four weeks. By the time they fall away, another shoot would come up with the buds to blossom. Anna transplants them periodically and we have them in different spots in the garden where there is bright sunshine. Excepting for transplanting them, the plants do not require much attention. 

They bloom where they are planted. 

That is a message they give us to ponder upon!

Its nature is to bloom!

To grow into a natural orientation to care !

That is what most of us would need ! We can be takers or givers or both! We receive so we give. It is necessary to move into an orientation of giving and not wait to care till we receive!

A neighbour who runs a carrier service to transport construction materials came home yesterday with vegetables from his garden and some cooked food! Anna and I felt surprised at this. His response was, 'we wanted to share what we have'! 

What a spirit of kindness! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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