04 October, 2022

A squirrel's way!

I watched this squirrel unearthing white ants from beneath the bark of a coconut palm. The trail of the white ants was visible above the bare stem.

It was only after the squirrel moved away after about 20 minutes, I realised that it had removed the loose bark over a wide area to look for the white ants. It looks like that the squirrel had a sumptuous meal in the morning. 

Some sights are fascinating to watch because they reveal the enterprising attitude of these squirrels. 

I wonder what the squirrels would do when they age! Do they get cared by other squirrels! Or do they have to fend for themselves! 

The more I think about the ways squirrels move about to find their feed, the more I feel impressed by the ease with which they do all that they do! Almost stress free!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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