27 July, 2023

Give peace a chance !

I happened to watch the above Butterfly and a blue eyed ensign Wasp, behave relationally during the short dry spell after heavy downpour yesterday. The Wasp kept coming towards the Butterfly and the Butterfly changed its position by rotating its body on the leaf. The way they related surprised me. This species of wasp does not sting normally. The Butterfly therefore had nothing to be fearful about! I could not make out what made the Wasp move around the Butterfly. It was an unusual enthusing sight!

This sight brought a message of relational behaviour!

I received today a video clipping of a choral singing led by Mr Tiamen Aier, forwarded by a former director of CMC, Vellore,  Dr Sunil Chandy, where the song calls for peace, while they sing soulfully crying over the terror in Manipur for the last two months. I am grateful to receive this clipping, which depicts the devastation and rises above it to bring hope and consolation.  People lost lives, and churches, schools, houses, villages etc were set on fire. There were incidents of disgusting and dehumanising behaviour towards women. Many are homeless and stay in community centres. Children lost their parents. They have no schools to go to. 

The Prime Minister of India avoided making any statements on this matter of violence in Manipur in the parliament, over which the the political alliance, I.N.D.I.A. moved a non-confidence motion against the government. He was provocative by suggesting that the I.N.D.I.A alliance is like a few rogue originations, naming even the Indian National Congress as one among the other three he mentioned, which are reckoned to terror organisations. . There was anger and hate in the way he spoke. 

Th people in Israel, are agitating in the streets over the usurping of the powers of Judiciary, by the recent amendment in the constitution initiated by its Prime Minister.

There is a talk of impeaching the current president of the USA over corruption charges raised against him, which happened much before he became the president. A former president is on an abusive path  towards the current president and his administration.  

There are similar disturbing news about tensions and conflicts elsewhere in the world, such as what happens due to the Ukranian-Russian territorial conflict.

We have an unsettling ambience around us.

The Butterfly and the blue eyed Wasp bring a different message. They communicate togetherness and affinity. They give and receive that message while relating to each other! 

There was an ongoing quarrel between two of our neighbours. Anna and I know both families.  It involved them going to the police to settle a dispute. For the last two years, we have been listening to them to see if listening and dialogue would help in being more accepting of each other. At least the eruptions of acrimony have receded. Still a long way to go to be relational! 

I have had my own personal challenges in the recent years, to stay relational with people with whom I was comfortable earlier. I feel that it is an ongoing self education to trust and receive others. I have still a journey before me to see the log in my eye before I turn to look for the speck in the eye of others. 

I felt comforted and moved to watch a Butterfly and a Wasp behave relationally and cordially! This symbol is a vision before me to pursue!

The sorrow, loss, fear and the trauma of people in Manipur is too much for them to bear! Anna and I carry them in our thoughts and join with the chorus group led by Mr Tiamen Aier to pray for peace and healing!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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