25 February, 2021

A single flower and a cluster!

I have often valued a cluster of flowers more than a single flower! 

Of late, I have been drawn by single flowers for they can be distinct and noteworthy! 

Human mind naturally has a traction for what appears large, visible, imposing or made to appear important. 

But it is often a single flower which stands out even when it is in a bunch of flowers. The solitary flower in the first photo and the rose flower with designs in its petal in the cluster of flowers, have something unique of their own. 

Each of us might feel sometimes not valuable enough as others around us do not recognise us enough. Let me suggest that fairness is uncommon in most instances. There might even be an attitude of subduing the role and significance of others. 

It is not in a cluster we shall find our identity. Let each of us find our identity in ourselves and not even through the relationships we seek to foster. 

What does it mean to be ourselves in our home, work place and in our neighbourhood! A solitary flower will not get as much an attention as a cluster of flowers. But a solitary flower is present in its quiet corner. It gives its nectar to bees and butterfly. 

Let each of us, who feels lonely because we are made to feel solitary or alienated, continue giving away our nectar to everyone who seeks our attention. Think of one neighbour or a companion to whom alone we can relate in difficult situations. He or she becomes our orbit of concern. 

The presence of a solitary flower in our garden is a message that each of us has a place and role in every situation, how much ever the system attempts to obliterate or trivialise us. 

Be present fully and when made to feel the swaying wind of hostility, remember that flower is for others. The life of a flower is that, it shall drop its petals after a while or get picked from the plant and wither away after a while. 

Every day is an opportunity! Let us remember that the fragrance of a flower is for everyone, whether one is fond of flowers or not!

Living with openness just as the flower remains fully open is a calling! The more open we are, the more we are able to share goodness around us!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)



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