11 February, 2021

Hiding for safety in fearful situations!

I watched this Small green Barbet chased by crows and finding a place to hide in the foliage fo this tree. It looked unsettled even in this hiding place!

Fear is a reality!

'Fear Not' was an oft repeated words of Jesus of Nazareth during His discourses and teachings. And yet, fear is the frequently occurring emotions overwhelming us. 

On Monday, Anna and I experienced a terribly frightening event in the property. Our domestic worker under the influence of alcohol came back to our  property in the evening and lit fire damaging banana plants coconut trees, etc. I arrived back from work, while the flame was  spreading. Before getting it out of control and spreading it to the adjacent house, we were able to extinguish it by pumping water from our well. 

For the last tow days, we have been fearful of what might be the next target! We decided to stop him from working in our garden. But that would unsettle him financially. Soem people advised us of a retaliation 

How do w live with fear!

Having had a few accidents in the early years of my driving, I sometimes experience fear returning to me when the driving conditions are hard. I found reversing difficult sometimes as I bumped the previous cars a few times, when the earlier cars did not have back sensors. 

One practical step I take is to stop instantly anything that I do for a while, to listen inwardly to the genesis or eruption of fear and allow the spirit to settle in a composed terrain. To be able to return to a trustful orientation is a slow process, but a habit worth cultivating. 

Barbet's was a good example. It moved away from the terrain of fear and from the proximity of the crows. It might not be always possible for us to do so. But what is possible is to restore inward orientation towards God, who dismisses fear and restores the consciousness of His enabling presence. Are we not 'safe in the arms of Jesus'!

Fear is a companion to our restless soul. But fear shall not overtake us when we can feel rested in the loving embrace of God!

M.C.Mathew(text anod photo) 

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