14 September, 2020

A Flower and a Crow in the rain!

A flower and a crow in our garden during a heavy down pour brought a new understanding of the events in nature! The flowers are exposed to the rain cannot protect themselves from the storm and heavy downpour. A bird might seek protection under the roof of a building or in the foliage of a tree, although most of them are exposed to the of rain. 

The flowers are denied sunlight during cloudy and rainy days. The birds might also go hungry as their food sources are restricted during the long spells of rain. During the in between dry spell, many birds are in the open to dry themselves and to seek for their food. 

Anna left some food grains for the resident birds in our garden. They do not come to feed  during the rainy season. 

All seasons are needed for humans, and the flora and fauna. However, when the seasons depart from the usual patterns, the nature also weeps. 

It is after forty five years we have had so much rain in Kerala in the months of August and September. This is no good for fruit bearing trees and plants.

The climate change is real. For three successive years, there have been damages due to heavy rain and flooding in Kerala. 

In four decades, fifty percent of forest in Kerala has been taken away for development projects. Hills have been reduced to ground levels by using the soil for building projects elsewhere. 

It is the humans, by their one sided view of development, who contribute to this climate change! But who listens!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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