26 September, 2020

A Mag[ie Robin and its birdcall!


There are at least two pairs of Magpie Robins resident in our garden and a few more visitors. 

There is one visitor who sits on a pipe next to the garage and sings in the morning. I noticed another Magpie Robin arriving to sit on the other end of the fifty feet long pipe.

I like tracing the Magpie Robins in our garden because they are comfortable with humans in their sight and would come close to the dwelling places. 

With the arrival of these three Wood Peckers in an adjacent coconut tree, the Magpie Robins flew away to a distant sight.I did spot one of them perched in the tree top.By then it was cloudy and threatening to rain. 

Most birds adapt to the threats in the environment and confine to their own bird spaces. The territorial discipline they follow is one of the ways they stay from predators. 

I look forward to the bird songs and bird movements every morning as they bring to us an awareness of how the 'birds of the air' live and find their food, make nests, form families and make their home in garden spaces.

During the pre-monsoon season, while we trim trees, we look for bird nests in the trees. If we find any sign of birds hovering around a tree we delay pruning till we feel sure that no bird is intending to nest there. It is important to respect bird space and offer welcome to them as they add to the richness of any garden!

I have counted about thirty species of birds in our garden during this post monsoon season! It is larger than what was thus far!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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