13 December, 2023

The Bills substitute the teeth!

Some birds tell us a lot about their ways of adapting to different situations. 

While waiting to observe bird movements at dawn in our courtyard,   I was drawn by the movements of leaves in the pepper plant, where a Bulbul had arrived to pick the pepper berry.

When I noticed it through the zoom lens, it had plucked a berry and placed it between its bills.

The following two photos reveal how a berry gets crushed between its bills and made flat before it swallowed it. 

After swallowing it,  the Bulbul paused for a while, and was looking around. There was one berry turning brown, adjacent to where it had picked up the earlier one from.  

As I kept wondering whether it would mouth that too, I noticed the move towards it and it had mouthed it in no time, as shown in the next two photos. I could not get the sequential pictures, as the leaves covered its face. 


The Bulbul was still around in the pepper plant for some more time looking for berries turning brown. 

When it flew away, hearing the bird call of another Bulbul perched in the top of the tree, I felt the thrill of  having been able to watch a Bulbul  gulping a berry after making it into a pulp between its bills. 

The nature around is a laboratory of experiences and events. Some events might  appear too trivial to be worth attending to, but it is a link to the large maize of events, taking place all around us, from which we get stories of interest and revelation. 

Birds engage me because, they are referred to by Jesus of Nazareth as they were objects of His attention from whom, we were called to learn: 'Look at the birds  of the air, they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gate into barns, and yet, your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much ,m ore they ?' (Matt 6:26). 

Therefore there is another way of living, without stress becoming the  ambience of inner being, during this journey in life. 

I find birds living their lives, freely and fully. This calls me to look at life, living and learning through the optic suggested by Jesus- 'your Heavenly Father cares'!

A bird uses the bills to make a berry ready to swallow, when humans use teeth to chew food. 

This is adds another dimension of mystery, in the way God operates in His creation!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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