11 December, 2023

The morning body exercises!


I happened to notice this Magpie Robin doing some stretching exercises in the morning, similar to what we would do, during our body exercises. 

I have noticed this in the past, but only when I saw it again last week, I thought of this habit of some birds  as a means to tune their body to be flight ready.

They gauge the environment during these body movements and prime their body  to align with their wings, while air born. 

When one watches a bird in its flight journey, it is seen moving steadily, decisively and effortlessly. Most birds seem to have a sense of  direction to reach a destination. The short flights in the morning and evening to touch the usual territorial stations that they are used to, are also well planned. They follow the same pattern with regard to the timing of the visits and the places to visit. 

They begin the day purposefully. 

Some birds have a habit of visiting their flight stations in the evening to complete the ritual of the day. 

It is now about thirty years, since I have been introduced to the habit of looking at birds to learn from them!

One learning experience is the avian way of responsible living. Amidst the risk of varying weather conditions, predators, and environmental hazards, most birds thrive by following a pattern and design comfortable for them. There is order and rhythm to their lives. 

They live with an inner sense of awareness and responsiveness!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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