01 December, 2023

The years in Life !

Anna will shortly enter into another year in her life. We will be entering into the fortieth year of our married life in the near future. 

I was fascinated by the above scenes in nature, which I visited recently. The rolling mountains and the bright skyline on a clear day was spectacular to watch. The Cherry tree with its blossoms adorned the garden gracefully.  I noticed an effusive colourfulness added to the foliage of trees in the morning sunshine. 

The Rufus tree pie perched at a height, singing lustily, symbolised to me of  the way Anna lived in the recent years joyfully and thoughtfully. Since she retired a few years ago, this was even more evident

Her thoughtfulness to reach out to me,  when I went through a difficult time at my work place sustained me, till I retired a few months ago. It was during this season, I grew to feel the depth with which she was able to express nearness and companionship. Hers was a self giving sunshine upon my life!

Anna was outgoing in the recent years towards children and grandchildren in an amazing way. 

Her ability to relate to our children affectionately and compassionately was  consistent and intimate. 

The way she engaged the grandchildren was creative and original that they related to her spontaneously and regardfully. 

I watched a Tit this morning visiting our garden after a break. It moved between trees in our garden and came closer to where I was standing. 

Finally when it was ready to fly away, I saw how ready and composed it was! Its state of peacefulness symbolised to me how Anna behaves during the transition times. 

Anna took lot of efforts to make our living simple and yet delightful so that our retirement did not leave us with any sense of emptiness. 

This rose flower was fragrant and graceful in the garden!

That is how Anna is to us in our family!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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