16 October, 2023

Growing up differently !

One observation I am comfortable to make about cultivating tomato in the kitchen garden is, the ease with which one can do this.

In spite of an erratic weather conditions in the last three months, the tomato plants survived the odds and gave us good yield this time. Anna's attention and care is one factor for such a good yield.

The little attention the plants needed was given and they gave an impressive yield. The saplings were similar when they were planted, but they flowered at different times and the tomatoes are in different stages of growth.  This variability was conspicuous.

One question that I have been  asked often, is about the difference between the responses of two children, while growing up in the same home environment. I noticed the same in the tomato plants. Each of the seven plants gave fruits, but the sizes, shapes and colours of tomatoes differed. 

There are many things, parents can monitor and condition in a home environment to suit children. But there are factors beyond our control at work in their lives, which could be the reason for variable responses.

A five year old child showed interest in music and singing whereas,  the older child at eight years was not musically inclined. His interest was in drawing and painting. These differences are ordinary. 

In another home a three year old child is vocal, demanding and insistent with reactive behaviour at times where as the six year old child did not show any of these patterns, when he was in the preschool years. 

The individual variability is no indication of who and what they would be when they are older. The early years are formative and impressional, that the conduct and behaviour later in life, would be an integration of all childhood experiences, rather than a linear progression of one or two behaviours. 

Anna mentioned that it was good that tomatoes ripen at different times so that she has enough tomatoes each day for salad and cooking. 

I wish parents will intentionally be patient with their children and continue to give the variable attention they might need in the early years!

The washing machine has different settings for cotton clothes, linen, soiled clothes, wool, etc. It is intentionally designed that way to suit the texture of each material. 

I wish we as parents can view the way we relate to our children corresponding to their nature, expectations and need, so that parents and children relate comfortably and mutually to feel fulfilled!

Children grow up to be themselves and parents grow up to be companions to children at par with what seems comfortable for children!

I realise that the temptation to compare children is natural; but what each child brings to create the ambience of a home is colourful enough! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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