11 October, 2023

Human nature is neighbourliness!


The present war between the Palestinians and Jews is the fifth conflict I recall from my student days, if I remember correctly. The present one is perhaps likely to be more intense than the previous ones, as the superpowers are divided in their approach- the American side supporting Israel and the Russian side supporting residents of Gaza. 

I watched these two Bulbuls perched in two places, adjacent to each other in our courtyard. The body language they conveyed during this time was what touched me most. Both of them had a listening and feeling attitude towards each other. Every time one of them moved or chirped, the attentiveness of the other was more intense towards the other. They stayed communicating to each other until hey flew away to different flight locations. 

Listening neighbours!

This is what the Palestinians and the Israelis are not towards each other. They listen to the super powers that control them. 

The terrorist activity of Hamas was a terrible provocative step. It was inhuman for Hamas to infiltrate and kill people in Israel, who were listening to a music performance. The Israel's retaliation to cut off water, electricity, human aid to Gaza is not a humanitarian act either. 

Now, the  situation is at the brink of escalation with the posturing of the American block and the Russian block. 

Do we hear the cries of children who died crying, due to the war. Do we feel the pain of children left behind without their parents! Do the world leaders think of the innocent civilians dying by the rocket fires across both sides and thousands in the corridors of the hospitals!

The Pope Francis spoke and prayed for peace and cessation of fighting across the border. 

The other political leaders by asserting their support to either side is favouring the war to continue! The language of revenge and retaliation is  not the language of civilised society. Yet that is what we hear!

The United Nations is perhaps is too stunned to act! The Prime Minister of India stated his support to Israel, but did not offer to initiate mediation. 

Why is that some neutral countries do not come forward to arbitrate and work towards cease fire. The territorial dispute  erupted with the formation of the state of Israel. It was during the time of the PLO leader late Mr Arafat, we witnessed a near closure of this conflict. Since his time, we have seen more rigid position on both sides. 

Having been in Israel twice and travelled to West Bank and Gaza, I remember hearing the stories of people who have their relatives spread across the geographical locations, which are not easily accessible to them. In fact, tourists had more freedom to visit these places, than the natives of the places. 

The Bulbuls knew how to be regardful of the neighbour. Both of them had a listening and responsive language of communication. 

I feel awful that humans who are known to be caring, have lost that compassionate response to a terrible human disaster! 

It is not the time to establish supremacy of power; instead it is the time to move actively towards a settlement of the conflict, because more than two thousand people died in 72 hours and thousands are injured, most of whom  not getting adequate health care and suffer physically and emotionally! Thousands would go hungry and thirsty! Think of children who would slip into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the years to come. By not acting to negotiate for ceasefire, we perpetuate hostility and not human brotherhood!

I have a suspicion that the political and geographical ambitions dominate the thoughts of the two conflicting nations! I wish, both nations in war would think and act humanly! I trust that the nations of the world work towards deescalating the war by negotiating for ceasefire!

Those two Bulbuls brought an awakening to my frozen thoughts! I slipped into shock and anguish, following the news of lives lost and people injured!

The Home Minister of India recently referred to ending terrorist activities in India in two years. His way is to trace people, prosecute them and keep them in prison. 

That does not go deep into the genesis of radicalisation that is at its roots! Why do humans loose vision of humanity and develop an attitude to harm others to get what they think is their right! It is in homes all are born. It is a home who forms the character of children born to them. It is when home is not charming and comforting, people get dragged towards radical thoughts. It is an angry person who searches an opportunity to express anger and retaliate for what one did not receive. 

I look forward to the outcome of the Synod meeting,  currently going on in Rome, when the Catholic Church is on a journey to make homes a place of formation! What this generation needs is a new vision of home, parenting, neighbourhood, doing good and living mindfully of others!

The Bulbuls showed me how neighbourly they are to each other!

Anna and I offer this flower from our garden to people in Gaza and Israel, that they may find peace between themselves!


M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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