04 August, 2020

The clouds HIDE the sky !

The cloud hides the sky! 

The cloud moves with the wind and is therefore not stationary. The cloud cannot permanently hide the sky! Even when the clouds become thick and dark, they too would cause  a rainfall or get carried away in the wind. The sky remains in the optic all the time.

I became aware even more recently about the inner clouds that reside within me, which hides the canvas of  consciousness and truth.

We can build others or demolish others. 

We build others by helping then to live with the consciousness of truth and reason. We demolish others by gossip, suspicion, slander and mistrust. 

I took a journey back into my life of the last ten years when so much happened relationally and transactionally. 

I began listing the clouds that hid the truth or distorted the truth from my consciousness. Yesterday I received a letter from someone who pointed out to me that I did not seek whole truth in a particular situation, but made a choice based on what I was told by those around me. 

Each of us has such instances of our perception or belief clouding the truth or consciousness of fairness. 

Life is a journey of learning and growing. The journey is not from darkness to light alone , but from light to enlightenment!

What is this enlightenment! St Paul refers to this as 'new self', 'which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of truth' (Ephe.4:24).

I am still on this journey to grow in the awareness of the clouds that reside within me which hides the truth about myself and others!

I feel grateful for this encounter with myself which frees me form having to defend or protect myself, but leads me to accept myself and live aware of the interior clouds in my inner consciousness. 

I noticed two flowers yesterday in the garden. 

The first  has its petals dis-shrivelled in the outside and  the inside looks ready to blossom.

The second had at its centre a fungal growth which was spreading to the petals peripherally. 

The first flower represents the reality of an outer decay. Our body gets older and joins this decaying process as age advances. The inner decay is devastating. The whole life gets visciated and reduced through an inner decay. If the light within us is dark, how great is the darkness!

What resides within us is what really matters. I read from Phil 4:10 as a message for myself. 'Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things'.

It is a time for another beginning fo ran inward journey!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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