05 August, 2020

From stillness to movement!

I watched this Drone perched at the edge of a slender and dry branch, while it was drizzling. It did not seem to mind the drizzle. 

After watching the birds in our garden, I get a sense of one of their habits. They stay perched in one position during the in between times of their movements or flight. 

When they are still, they stay glued to one position and posture. It is an unusual sight to watch. A bird can look to be a like statue during such times. It is from such periodic stillness, they move!

I watched the body movements as it started its flight journey after a period of stillness in the body. It lifted its body with its wing movements and the body became almost horizontal in position with its neck stretched out. An action position from a still position! It was the body stillness which prepared it for the next action! 

All movements are effortful and energy consuming. More than that, a movement is for a purpose. The drone had another destination in its sight or thought!

This set me thinking. I am used to move form one action to another. Although I have been used to short periods of stillness between two activities, it is often missed.  I get carried away by the demands and pressures. It is the pressure of unfinished work that propels me. 

The still times are formative times. It is a time of recollection, gratefulness for what is just over and a preparation for readiness to move on to the next activity. It is during such moments of stillness, one catches up with the inner self, where we process our thoughts, emotions and needs and reconnect with our depth. Within each of us is a consciousness that is deeper than our thoughts. The sense of right and wrong,  moral awareness, and intuitive reflections spring from our depth. We are not just cerebral in our being, but rational, emotional and relational. All of these dimensions resurface in our consciousness during such short periods of quietness. 

We live and relate soberly, thoughtfully and empathetically when we live from the plane of our depth reality. It is also easy to relate to people who reflect such a depth consciousness. Our attitudes, reactions or likes and dislikes are conditioned often by cerebral perspectives. The depth perspectives bring in the dimensions of kindness, gentleness, forgiveness and warmth. 

The Drongo through its still posture reminded me of what was fading away from my regular rhythm of each day!

I feel grateful that this Drongo was God-sent with a message!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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