29 August, 2020

A morning with four wood peckers!

The lawns in our garden look fresh and green after the rain. The e thick foliage of trees and fruit trees attract the birds to frequent the garden.

I noticed this wood pecker (below) perched well and pecking the trunk of a teak wood tree! Its pecking was not audible to me.

I noticed another wood pecker (below) perched in another tree about 200 meters away and looking in the direction of the sound of the pecking elsewhere. Its effort to locate the sound and sight of the other wood pecker fascinated me. It picked up the sound and was active in searching. 

I kept waiting to see them coming together, but it did not happen then.  

But a third wood pecker flew into the same area and appeared to be watching the first wood pecker. 

The first wood pecker seemed to notice the arrival of the third one and rested a while by resting its neck and bills on the trunk of the tree. 

Whether it is the beginning of a romance or not is still a question. But all these happening in our garden was good enough to feel satisfied!

While the above was going on a fourth wood pecker was at its favourite occupation of climbing a coconut tree unmindful of the other tree wood peckers (below). 

Now that, there is a respite from heavy rain, the bird movements have recommenced in our garden. 

One way to watch birds and their movements is to dot it from a distance, away from their visual field. Most birds notice our presence from the body scent they receive even from a distance. 

Nature would be still but for the swaying of the leaves in the wind and the bird calls!

Make a garden to host birds! The birds of the air speak to us in different ways and show us a way of living free of the anxiety of existential needs!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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