01 July, 2020

Three light effects!

This Magpie Robin normally is in our terrace early in the morning. I used three different light exposures to capture the photo of the bird. 

As I sat down to edit the images, I realised that I was travelling from darkness to light during the exercise. The visibility of the bird and all its features improved as more light was directed to its body.

What is is this light! It is light which brings clarity, details and description!

How do we allow light to fall on our life events! I recalled some events in my life and as I allowed to move from a subjective overview to a facts and truth guided search of the situations, I discovered better insights. The light within us can be dim because we view events and happenings from the point of view of advantage or benefits for us. 

I had a message from an adult whom I had known from the age of two years with a progressive neuro-developmental condition. She is a person who found liberation from herself and has allowed light to fall on her consciousness because of which she sees others in greater depth and appreciation! 

Our experiences or travails can often create relative darkness or bias in perception within us because of which we view most experiences from that dim shade of perception. All truth would be more than what we tend to perceive. 

This truth came vividly to me through this poem: 

'Excuse me', said one ocean fish to another,
'You are older and more experienced than I and
Will probably able to help me. Tell me, where 
Can I find this thing, which they call Ocean?. I h've been
searching for it everywhere to no avail'.

The ocean, said the older fish, 'is what you are swimming now'.

'Oh this? But this only I water. What I a'm searching for is the ocean', 
Said the young fish, feeling quite disappointed,
As he swam away to search elsewhere.

I thought to my self that there is still much darkness within me. It is in allowing the truth that others pint out which can brighten my interior. Jesus of Nazareth once said, 'If the eye is dark, how great is the darkness'! No wonder that Mahatma Gandhi was fond of the hymn by John H Newman,

"Lead, kindly Light, amidst the encircling gloom, 
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home, 
Lead Thou me on!
Keep This my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for men..."

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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