13 July, 2020

A Giant Cicada

I have been in search of Crickets, to take photos for a long time now. Although I located several spots from where they make their noise, they become quiet while approaching the tree where they are located. They are so blended in colour with the bark of the tree that it is difficult to locate them ordinarily. Also they are sometimes hidden behind the bark. They are so still when we approach them that we miss seeing them. 

This is a Giant Cicada, which I located in the bark of a tall Christmas tree in our front garden.  It took a long time till I located its hidden presence. Its high-pitched song was what helped me. Its song is a mating call. Each species has its own distinctive song that only attracts females of its own kind. 

Cicadas are edible according to Wikipedia. Like Shrimps they turn red when fried. 

It was a long seven years wait till I could get a photograph of this bug which is common in every garden and sings through the night! Yet it took an enduring effort to find them!

The Cicadas will have a four to six weeks to mate and lay eggs before they die. July is the month when the cycle of life ends for most of them. That is why their songs become bleak in July. 

Cicadas provide a service to the tree by pruning the weak branches of the tree.  'They lay eggs in the branch and weak branches wither and die (flagging) and tree benefits from that, by not having to waste energy on a weak or diseased branch'.

So Cicadas serve a good purpose.

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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